Part 10 - The Meeting

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The next day Sumedh's parents had already got ready to go to Mallika's house. They didn't want to delay anything related to Sumedh for this was the first time their son had spoken out his heart and they wanted to give their best for him.

Sumedh got ready in a black high collar tee and blue jeans. He came down to the living room to find everyone ready and having their breakfast. Aai finished prayers and they discussed about their plan to meet Mallika. It was decided only Sumedh and his parents will go and Basanth and Revati will stay back due to Revati's sickness.

The Agarwal's reached Mallika's home. Yash was looking at the apartments. He asked Sumedh to lead the way. The expensive car drew everyone's attention. Some people popped their necks from the balconies to see who had come.

Sumedh didn't inform Mallika that his parents were coming to meet her. As they rang the bell of the apartment Mallika's dad opened the door. He recognized Sumedh and was surprised to see him at his doorstep. He invited them inside their home and as they sat down Sumedh introduced his parents to him. Sumedh's dad looked around the house. It spoke immensely of his love for his daughter. The photo of Miku's mom looked familiar to Aai.

Sumedh's Aai broke the silence and she asked " Is this Kirthida? " pointing to the picture at the wall.
Miku's dad replied " Yes she is my wife Kirthida.. "
Then Aai explained that she was her friend in college.

Mallika who was hearing all this from inside the room was surprised. As she was thinking about her mom she heard her dad calling for her. As soon as Aai saw Mallika the little apprehension she had about her also vanished. She liked her instantly. The innocent face and the respectful gesture from Mallika attracted her. Miku was dressed in a simple white kurta and patiyala with a multi coloured duppata. She looked beautiful even in that simple attire.

Sumedh's mother and father gave a nod to each other. Aai told Miku's dad straight forwardly that they have come to ask Mallika's hand for Sumedh. Miku's dad least expected this. It all seemed too fast for him. Just because they were a rich family didn't mean he had to accept the proposal right away. He said he will need to discuss with Mallika.

Both father and daughter went inside the room. Mohan saw straight into Miku's eyes. He asked her whether she wanted him to accept the proposal. Mallika just took a small breath and calmed herself and said to her dad that they were in love. Her dad couldn't believe it. Mallika hugged him and said that she loved Sumedh a lot and would want to be with him for the rest of her life. Her dad knew that he can trust on his daughter's love.

Mallika 's dad came out of the room. He smiled and said that he accepts the proposal. The Agarwals were very delighted. Aai went inside and saw Miku. She smiled and gave a small hug to her. Miku who never has felt a mom's love was out of words. Aai presented Miku the traditional Marati nose ring made out of diamonds for her. She asked her to keep it safe as it was gifted to her by Sumedh's Ajji.

As the further talks about a small engagement and a grand marriage was planned, Sumedh tried to catch the attention of Miku. But Miku was busy attending to the family. After discussions the Agarwals took leave.
Miku's dad went along with them down the apartment to see them off. Sumedh under the pretext of missing his car keys came running back to the apartment and quickly kissed Miku and when he was about to return Miku screwed his ears as she was angry that he didn't tell her about their visit. He just laughed and said sorry and ran away to the elevator.

He winked at Miku and gave a flying kiss and said " See you in the evening"

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