Part 4 - The Trip

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Sumedh's day started off very busily at work.  He was meeting a few clients today. Mallika was also busy and they both worked well together as a team. As it was lunch time everyone were moving to the cafeteria and restaurants nearby. Mallika garnered up some courage and asked Sumedh whether he would join her for lunch.

Sumedh agreed instantly and she was happy as she spread out her lunch in the room adjoining his office which was his private space. Sumedh's helper brought his food and laid it on the table. Mallika eyes couldn't believe the variety of food sent for him from home. Sumedh could sense her surprise. He said " Don't judge my appetite based on this Mallika.. Aai always sends like this as I rarely get to eat home food."

Mallika replied "I see her care and affection for you in this ." She left out a small sigh as she never had a mom to do these for her. Sumedh sensed her feelings and changed the topic. He said " Let me see what you brought for lunch. "

Mallika enthusiastically opened her box and it was Aloo ka paratha made by her. Sumedh had never felt so happy on seeing a food item in his life. He knew what it meant but didn't want to express himself to her.

Sumedh offered her his lunch and Mallika had so much to eat that she was literally feeling her skirt tightening up. She had never tasted such good food in her life. She knew half the reason was that it was made with love by his Aai.

They enjoyed the meal and became busy again in work. But the lunch had definitely brought them closer.

A couple of months had passed since Mallika had joined work. She received  her salary which was more than what she could have imagined. Her dad was happy for her and they started saving for their dream house.

Mallika went to work as usual on that day when Sumedh called her to his office. He said " Mallika do you have a passport? "
She was looking at some papers and said calmly " Yes Sir, I do have a passport. "
Sumedh said " Be ready as we are going to be travelling in two days time. "
Mallika hesistantly asked " May I know where we are going Sir? "
Sumedh looked at her and casually replied " To Paris "
Mallika was surprised and shocked. She had never left the country ever and she instantly thought about her dad whom she had not been without even a single day.

She completed her work faster that day and headed off home to inform her dad about the trip. Her dad who was busy in the kitchen making some yummy paneer curry for Mallika he was surprised to see her coming early from work. She quickly freshened up and sat for dinner with him.

Mallika's dad asked "What is it Miku?  You want to tell me something? "Her dad always knew her well.
Mallika said " Papa,  I need to be travelling to Paris for some work and need to be there for a week with my boss. "
Though he didn't expect this her dad asked her to go on the trip and not worry about her. She saw his face and went and hugged him from behind and buried her face on his back. They both knew it was going to be hard for them.

The next few days went by and soon the day of their Paris trip came up. Sumedh was very excited like a kid. He wanted to spend more time with Mallika and accordingly arranged his plans. He was determined to confess his feelings for her in this trip.

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