Part 14 - The Wedding Night

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The next day, Mallika woke up in Ajji's room. She was offered a separate big room but she insisted on sleeping with Ajji. She showered herself and took out a sky blue colour chiffon saree and draped herself in it. Ajji who back from temple saw her and smiled at her. She was really a blessing for them. They both went to the puja room and Aai gave her the plate to do the aarti for the idols. She obliged and everyone came to the room hearing the bells.

Mallika's eyes searched for Sumedh as she handed over the prasad to everyone. He was no where to be seen. Aai also noticed that and asked her to check on him. Mallika immediately ran through the flight of stairs and reached his room. The rooms were very big and Mallika searched for him and finally found him in the balcony sipping chai and talking to someone regarding some work. As soon as Mallika entered he could sense her smell and he cut the call and turned around to see his beautiful wife in a light blue saree.

Sumedh said " So you remembered your husband finally. I thought you would come to give me my chai. But Madam Saab was busy in prayers. "
Mallika just pulled her ears with her fingers and said "  Really Sorry Sumedh.  I won't repeat it. "
She made such a cute puppy face that Sumedh just pulled her into a hug. He thanked whoever had invented a saree as he never thought it will give more access to his wife 's body.

He turned her around and they faced the sea and waves. It looked calm. He slid his hand under her belly and kept caressing it making her blush and shiver at the same time. As this was happening Aai was thinking where Mallika had also gone and sent a house help to look for both of them.

They heard a knock on the door and they came out of their trance and Mallika just adjusted her saree and opened the door. She told her house help they are coming down. Both of them went down to the breakfast table and sat quietly. Everyone was eating and talking happily. Basanth gave a meaningful smile to Sumedh. Both had to go to office for some work that day and as soon as they finished their food they got ready and boarded their cars. Sumedh just stole a kiss from Mallika before anyone could see and drove off. Mallika was also to start her work the following day.

Sumedh reached his office and completed the work much faster to Basanth's surprise. His mind was full of Mallika's thoughts. As he returned home that evening he was literally running after asking his driver to park the car. But as soon as he saw Aai and Ajji he pretended to be walking casually. He then went to his room to freshen up and found that it was decorated with aromatic flowers. He just smiled and took a relaxing bath.

Mallika was speaking to her dad.  He insisted on leaving to his home. She had tears in her eyes and hugged her dad and sat on the couch. Seeing this Aai and Revati consoled her. Finally Miku's dad bid farewell and left the house. Mallika's heart was really heavy. He was both the dad and mum she had and she already missed him.

Meanwhile dinner was ready and served. Everyone tried to lighten the mood of Mallika by cracking jokes and changing the topic. Aathira was explaining about her college pranks. After food everyone left to their rooms. Aai called Mallika and asked her to take almond milk with saffron for Sumedh to drink. She took it from the house help. They had given her a dashing silver plate with roses and a silver glass in it and a small cup of kheer.

Mallika was thinking why these formalities in these modern times. But she didn't want to upset Aai and went to their room carrying the plate. She entered the room and locked it. Looking at her holding the plate Sumedh burst out laughing saying that it looked like a movie scene.

Nevertheless he liked what his family did for them. Mallika and Sumedh sat on their bed looking at each other. It was nearly an year since she came for the interview and now here she was as his wife. Never did she believe in destiny's play but now she did. Sumedh just looked at her longingly and Mallika understood his needs and switched off the lights...

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