Part - The Journey

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Mallika got her bags packed. She was checking on her dad who was getting ready to drop her off to the airport. He had explained to her about the procedures to be followed in the airport like immigration and security and so many things. He himself seemed a little tensed. Sumedh's driver came to pick them up. The car was a brand new Bentley. Everyone in the area were curious to see such an expensive car in their area. Even Mallika's dad was thinking who would send such a car to pick an employee.

In the Agarwal's house everyone were looking busy. Sumedh's bags were readied up as well as Basanth and Revati were getting ready to leave for their Bali trip. Aathira was little sad as she will miss her brothers and bhabi. But Sumedh promised to bring her a wonderful gift. Sumedh's dad had gone to visit his mother in his hometown. Aai blessed them and wished them luck and a safe journey.

Sumedh reached the airport on time. He waited for Mallika and to her surprise they didn't go through the usual entrance for travellers. The car stopped near a separate area. She saw Sumedh waiting for her and she introduced him to her dad. Mallika's dad liked him in the very first look and after conversing with him he was surprised at how humble he was in spite of being a rich man.

Mallika said bye to her dad who hugged her and knew she saw a tear or two in his eyes which he hid from her. She promised to call him every day.

Sumedh and Mallika entered the entrance and soon she realized that it was a private lounge and after checking in the baggages and finishing the formalities they waited for few more minutes. Mallika was thinking she might be travelling in a big plane with many other passengers and to her surprise she was escorted by a small team and they walked along the gate and out in front of her was a small white private jet with the name Agarwal written on it.

Mallika just blinked. She knew the Agarwal's were very rich but they always kept a low profile. She boarded the flight along with two more people who are working for Sumedh. The pilot greeted Sumedh and went inside the cockpit. The cabin crew had about two ladies who were looking beautiful and they were eyeing her now and then.

Mallika asked Sumedh " Sir you said your brother and his wife are also travelling to Bali. But we didn't see them in the lounge. "
Sumedh replied " They have already taken off in a commercial airliner."
Mallika wished she could travel like a normal person instead of in a private jet.

As the flight was taxiing on the runway Mallika looked outside the window and when it was about to take off she became nervous and closed her eyes shut. When it took off and reached the altitude she opened her eyes to see her clutching Sumedh's hands tightly and leaning on his shoulders. She straightened herself up sooner and was clearly embarrassed. Sumedh just smiled but he didn't let go of her hand for a while.

The rest of the journey was really good with gourmet food and movie watching . As Sumedh dozed off  he placed his head on Mallika very casually as if it was his usual way. Mallika initially felt weird but then she didn't mind it. She just allowed him to rest. His maggie hairs tickling her neck now and then.

After  long hours of travel they reached Paris. The captain annouced their arrival. It was night time when they arrived and they exited the plane and once Mallika got out of the plane she could feel the cool breeze. It was her first time in a foreign country but the snow filled air welcomed her and made her happy. Sumedh just placed his jacket on her and held her close and led the way to exit the airport.

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