Part 13 - The Reception

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After the wedding , the couple took the blessings of everyone. Sumedh 's Ajji was the first one to bless them. She was looking deeply into Mallika's eyes for a second as Miku touched her feet. She then gifted her a pearl studded bangles as her gift. It was from their ancestors and it looked very unique in its intricate design. There was also a locket inside the box.

The reception was a very grand event.  The who's who of the entire country including film stars, politicians and business men were present with their families. The whole time Sumedh and Mallika were trying to keep smiling for the clicks. Mallika wore a pink lehenga and was fully decorated in diamonds. Sumedh was in a off-white kurta set. He knew most of the guests and so he kept acknowledging them with a wave or a nod. Aathira came in between to give them some almond drink and a much needed break to rest their legs for a few minutes.

Revati bhabhi looked clearly exhausted. She was taken care of by Aai and her mother was also by her side. Basanth was busy as usual taking care of the guests. As few film stars came together to wish the couple there was some frenzy in the crowd. Mallika never expected so see the people she had seen on screen in reality. She just smiled and smiled as she was wished by so many.

After the reception, the Agarwals and the closest Patels family were the only ones left. Though they were exhausted they sat in circle and kept chatting a lot. They were served a special kheer by the catering boys. It was reserved for them. Sumedh and Mallika fed each other the kheer. It tasted divine.

Later,  everyone boarded their cars. Miku's dad was about to leave but upon everyone 's insistence he decided to stay at Agarwal's house for the night. As the couple was chauffeured to their home Mallika rested her head on Sumedh's shoulders. He just caressed her a bit and kissed in her head. Miku gave a small smile as it the first kiss from him as her husband.

As soon as they reached reached home Mallika was greeted with a aarti and welcomed inside. Her feet and Sumedh 's feet were imprinted on a clay slab to be later made into a golden imprint which will always remind them of Mallika 's entry as the bahu of Agarwal's house.

As these small gestures made by the in laws made Mallika love them more and more. Mallika's dad also was very happy. Later Mallika was taken to Revati 's room and she was freshened up. Mallika was too happy to be able to change in a simple white and pink kurta. Sumedh came in to check on her. Just as he entered Aai also came inside the room. Aai called them outside and asked Revati to take rest.

Aai was about to tell something but she didn't know how to tell it. She was looking up and down and finally she called Revati and whispered something in her ears and left the place. Revati said to Sumedh " Devarji... Very sorry to say this that your wedding night has been planned for tomorrow as it is a auspicious time and day. "

Sumedh 's face fell. He replied " Bhabhi... This is not fair. "
Mallika just looked like she didn't hear anything and left to check on her dad. As she left she could hear Sumedh still arguing with bhabhi and Revati was clearly mocking him.

Later,  Sumedh met Mallika who was sitting on the swing. She felt sleepy but too much of happiness didn't allow her to sleep. She just looked at the sky silently yearning for her mum. As Sumedh came with a disappointed puppy face, she just laughed. He just lay his head on her lap and closed his eyes....

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