Part 19 - The Blessing

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Lying on the beach Sumedh couldn't believe what he just read in the card. His eyes met Mallika's and the feeling of love was complete in it. He kissed her forehead and asked " Miku,  no gift in the world can beat this gift of life you have given me. " He immediately kissed her tummy and kept in his hand on it for a long time.

Miku broke the silence and said " I came to know just two days back that I was pregnant but I had to hold on till our anniversary to reveal it to you." Sumedh smiled and said " That should have been difficult for you Miku. "

They decided to convey it to their family when they reached India. For now,  it felt like heaven for them. They were thinking about their unborn child and dreamt about it. From the very next day Sumedh became very cautious about Miku 's health. He made sure she ate nutritious diet and the house help were given strict instructions not to disturb her.

After few more days they went back to India. Sumedh told Aai and Baba the news and they were happy. They blessed Mallika. Aai was good enough to say immediately that she will take care of Miku . It was a big thing for Mallika as she didn't have her mom to guide her. To everyone's surprise Ajji was the one more happier on hearing the news. She instinctively said it was Lakshmi going to come, which meant it would be a girl for them.

At the office Yash had appointed people to take care of Miku's absence and Sumedh was strictly instructed not to work beyond 6pm everyday. How Yash could think on everyone 's behalf and take care of his family inspite of having too many things to worry about in office was considered remarkable.

Mallika tried to work from home as she felt OK after the initial months. Everyday she would eat the prasadam brought from Krishna temple by Ajji and then only eat other food. Ajji would make her sit next to her and read Krishna's life stories. She would listen to it and sometimes sleep on
Ajji's lap out of exhaustion. When Sumedh came home he would go to his grandmother's room and find Miku chatting with her. They bonded really well. Aai made sure every check up was done properly.

As Sumedh came home early everyday he would talk to the baby sitting next to Miku's tummy. They played games like Ludo and cards with along with Aai and Aathira and everyone made sure that Miku won the game. She would jump in joy when she won and the baby's movements were felt. The first moment made Sumedh emotional as it was the first time he was feeling the baby. Every time Miku had kheer the baby wombled more in the stomach.

Basanth had brought Revati back to home and they had small baby boy at home. Revati and Miku did some shopping of maternity clothes and other stuff needed. She truly was a elder sister for Miku. Basanth and Sumedh were discussing something which the Dr had said in the previous visit. Sumedh said " Miku is weak Dau,  I am afraid of the delivery.. "
Basanth replied,  "It will be OK Sumedh... She is a brave woman and she will delivery safely.. "

Months passed,  and suddenly Miku started developing pain. The Agarwal's had booked a suite in a private hospital for Miku's delivery and they rushed her to the hospital. Sumedh was very tensed. He was holding Basanth 's hands and waiting outside the room. After few hours,  they heard Miku's loud cry and the few minutes later the baby's cry. The Dr came out and showed the baby to the family. Sumedh saw the child and his heart melted in joy. She was complete mix of Sumedh and Mallika. Small straight hairs,  hazel eyes and cute smile. Sumedh rushed inside the room to see Miku who looked completely exhausted. He had never seen like that before. It was hard for him yet he smiled and hugged her and thanked her for the blessing of their life.. their Radhe had come into their life... 

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