Chapter 1: Hoping for something new

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✖✖✖✖✖This chapter is just getting to know Ashley, so I'm sorry it is kinda sad but it gets better, i promise. Please don't stop reading because it is sad and i promise the whole book won't be sad. Love you my readers.✖✖✖✖✖

Hi my name is Ashley Kendall and I am 16 and have lived a horrible 16 years. My dad left my life when I was 6 and my mom has been nothing but an asshole since my dad left. I currently live in Miami Flordia and I have been bullied since grade 6. My mom kicked me out and so I am moving in with my older brother in Australia to get away from here. All I can do is hope for the best, and a change in my life.


"You promise to call me right?" "Yes Sarah" Sarah is my only best friend here in Flordia and I wish her parents would have let her move with me. I boarded the plane and decided to text my brother and tell him i just boarded. I am so glad I have him in life still. he would call me almost everyday just to talk and check up on me, and i could call him to calm me own or to cheer me up. He was litterally the best brther any girl could have. I decided to turn off my phone and take a short little nap, when I woke we were a couple of hours away from Australia. I texted my bother Blake and see if he was already at the airport. Mean while, I decided to pull my book, I'm currently reading Narnia for the 10th time in the past 2 months. We finally landed and I collected my bags and went to find my brother. I looked around for any site of him. I finally spotted a cute sign with 'Ashley Kendall' wrote across it, i got closer to my brother and dropped my bags and ran to him. It has been 3 years since i have seen him, and I'm so glad I finally get to see him. We finally released from the hug and collected my bags and went to his car. The cars were so different here than they were in the US. We were in a comfortable silence fot the ride to his place. We arrived at his place and he helped me get my bags inside to where I was staying. "So this is your room and I am really glad to see you sis." "I am glad to see you to, its been rough at home and i am so glad that you said i could live with you" "Anything for my sis, well after you finish unpacking wanna go get something to eat?" "yeah sure, where we going?" Well we could go to KFC if you want?" "yeah that'll be fine." He walked out and back downstairs and I started unacking. I decided to call Sarah and tell her that I'm in Australia. I finally got off the phone with her and finished unpacking. I walked downstairs and saw Blake sitting on the sofa on his phone. I walked up behind him and covered his eyes and said 'guess who'. He got up and grabbed his keys so we could go and get some food.

*after KFC*

We got back from KFC and i decided to go to my new room and relax for a bit. All I kept thinking about was when I start school and how things might turn out. Would things be better? Would things get worse? Would I actually make friends? Would I continue to get bullied? All these questions rome through my head. I decided to get on youtube and make a quick video; lately i have been makeing these videos to help with people out there that suffer with what i go through. I have only made 2 videos and suprisingly have 1k veiws. I went downstairs to tell my brother that i was about to make a video and to not to worry about I'm talking to myself. My mother seem to do that quite often, she didn't understand the reasoning of why I made videos. But I do them to help others and to let them know that they aren't fightimg alone, I love my viewers and I care so much about them and i want to help save atleast one persons life. Today, too many people of all ages needlessly take their own lives. On average, almost 3000 people commit suicide everyday. I know this because I have done plenty of research on depression and suicide, I have been cutting for almost a year and the only thing that ever helps me is youtube.

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