18: 3 LoV Members v.s Shoto/Hawks PRT 2

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Minutes earlier/ 3rd Person POV of the DONUTS

Hawks was blown by the impact of the door, and sooner or later Shoto was gone to go for Izuku.

Even though it was Izuku who was aiming for Shoto.

Hawks dodged the syringe and flew up. Magne used his quirk and Hawks was covered in blue. Then he was headed to Toga, since she's the South (girls are south and boys are north).

"Hey!" Hawks and Toga cried out and shouted.

"Toga! Get your syringe!" Magne yelled out.

"Yay, I get to play!" Toga squealed and took out her syringe. She shoved it forward and Hawks was about to hit it when he tried flying up.

"I'm a bad-match up for you, birdie!" Toga smirked as she licked her lips. "Lemme get some blood, and..." She stick it onto his jacket, but the jacket was thiccc, so Hawks just flown up as Magne's quirk was disabled.

"Just in time!" Hawks gasped as he tried to balance his wings. (Doesn't sound right)

He took out his feather looking swords and swung it towards the 2 LoV members. Just for defense and perhaps offense. (I make it sound like American football.

They dodged and ducked and jumped when Hawks is near them swinging. 

Magne used his magnet again but realized his quirk doesn't work. 

"Damn it!" He shouted, but Hawks swung his feather sword at him and Magne fell to the ground startled before the magnet bar hit him on his head. Painfully hard.

"Ouch." Hawks said as he saw the magnet land on Magne's head. 

He saw a shadow loom over him before he ducked.

"Lemme get your blood, birdie..." Toga whined as she kept pushing the syringe to Hawks.

"What are you, a cannibal or a bloodsucker?"

"I need your blood! This is my job to get a pro hero's blood! As many as I want if the pro hero can let me suck it up more!" Toga pushed the syringe into his jacket again, forgetting it was thiccccc.

Hawks flew up higher from Toga and the unconscious Magne and flown down with all his wings could take with his feet ready to land down.

Yoga dodged the feet and leg and backfliped until she landed on her feet (vote on this chap = 1 backflip/front flip) 

Yoga?! WTH did I just type down?! Now I can't go back and fix it! Nuuuu

Toga launched at Hawks again. 

Hawks dodged. 

He landed somewhere but near her.

Again for Toga.

Again for Hawks.

This keeps repeating until Hawks had enough.

"I give up." He said calmly. He swung his sword and it pointed at Toga. "I better have time to finish this off. Just give up and I'll let you go free."

"Birdie, I didn't even get your blood. I won't give up till I did!" She launched at him again once more.

"So you wanna play hard, huh?" Hawks said as he dodged again. "You won't get my blood from a pro hero."

"You sound calm." Toga smirked. "How can you be calm at a time like this?"

Then Hawks saw a large ice shown behind Toga. She didn't notice it however and just payed attention to Hawks. 

She jumped into the shadows and Hawks couldn't see her. After waiting for about a minute, he sighed and went after her. Then a breeze flow past him. He looked behind as saw a girl with black straight hair running out with tears in her eyes.

About the height of Toga.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Hawks asked as he made it to the girl.

"There was a scary girl in the shadows!" She wailed. "She was about to stab me with whatever she had."

"And?" Hawks asked.

"All she did was stop and just went past me. Idk what she was."

Hawks looked into the narrow path and it was completely dark. Between it were some very high buildings. 

"Wait..." Hawks jumped away from the girl and swung his sword at her. She gasped and dodged. 

"Who are you?!" Hawks demanded. The girl backed away, tears in her eyes again. 

"I'm just a teen girl! You're our hero! Why would you harm an innocent citizen?!"

"Stop acting! Are you Toga?!" 

The girl stopped. Then an evil grin comes to her face. 

"How nice... you knew who I was." Toga's body of the girl began to ruin. Like she came from a large mud puddle. That is like wet-ish clay instead of mud.  "I sucked the girl's blood in the path when she was headed over here."

Just as she was about to stab Hawks again, a loud crack made Toga stop. She glance over to the ice that shown up before Toga went to the narrow path and saw Midoriya Izuku (Villain Deku)  fall with the chunk of ice falling with him. 

"Izu!" Toga shrieked as she ran over. Magne just got back into his consciousness and as soon as he saw Toga run off, he began to stand up and go after her.

Hawks just stood there dumbfounded. They just left the arena!

All for the worry of "Villain" Deku? Ha. How weird.

'Better check on Shoto,' he thought and flown towards the alleyway where he then saw a small fire with a person controlling it. (It's not Dabi, folks).

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