24: Short Boring Meeting with: Villain Waifu Deku

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Credit to the original person who created this AU!

Izumi's POV

The next day was Friday, and I woke up startled by my All Might alarm. YES. I STILL HAVE ALL MIGHT MERCH. I just hide them by putting them in a secret latch only me and my mother know. Because she bought them for me. Now I FEEL TOO EMBARRASSED. I AM A DAMN OTAKU. 

Anyways, I practically threw my All Might alarm clock to the ground and gladly it didn't break. 

... now I wonder why I threw it on the ground. I looked at the clock and it showed 5: 47 am. 

Why the f*ck did the alarm go off in early mornings? 

Oh wait. That's right. I totally forgot. 

I jumped out of my bed and slammed opened my closet. All I found was my male clothes with a few female clothes. I sighed. I can't be formal too much, this is just a job. I stood there muttering to myself what clothes I should wear while looking through my female clothes. 

Do I have a choice... I groaned and opened the secret latch under my bed, and pushed all the All Might merch products to the side. I don't know why, but I was buying female clothes one day for my mom's birthday one time, and I subconsciously just bought female clothes my size and just said they are for my sister, only because the cashier was confused on why I bought female clothes. When I was a male at that time.

Pushing all that aside, I picked up skinny pants and a sweatshirt, in which I rolled my eyes because it's damn spring, and threw the sweatshirt behind me. I grabbed a plain white shirt that just said 'SHIRT' and I have to roll my eyes at it too. 

If you're a male, being a female is like so complicated! Oh my god...

After another minute of searching I found the right outfit to wear. Finally. Now I just gotta rush out to do my morning routine. 

I looked around me and in whatsoever logic all the clothes I had thrown away disappeared with a snap back in the latch and it closed quietly. Magic, BOOM.

I ran outside of my room and did my morning routine. I took the toast and munched on it when I grabbed the napkin again.

This time I'm keeping it. In case anything happens. 

I have two napkins with me. One was the day I YEET Mineta out and one just now. I feel like I am going to use all of it in just one day. 

Shoto usually wakes up the time I 'STARTLED BY THE ALARM' woke up, so I was checking on his guest room in which the bed was empty. I went to the bathroom and rattled on the doorknob. It didn't open, and I soon thought:

"Oh god I'm invading privacy."

"Who's there?" a male voice asked.

I didn't answer.

"Must be my imagination." I hear Shoto murmured. "If someone's there, don't even bother to bust the door down."

I got flustered and and quickly escaped the hall. I waited until Shoto later was prepared to leave. Although he's somehow struggling. He was using the wall as his walking guide and is basically squinting his eyes. 

"Why are you like that, Shoto?" I asked him. He looked at me and squinted even more. 

"I can't see you. I can everything but you."


"You basically made me blind."

"But you're squinting-"

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