03 ;; a new friend

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the next day, taehyung was laying on his bed, alone. the brunette called his best friend, park jimin as he wanted to see him so bad.

"jiminie, can you make it to my house today? i wanna see you." taehyung asked hoping that he would say yes.

"i've a group study in fifteen minutes tae. i will come later. okay―" jimin excused himself and taehyung sighed.

"oh you have a group study program. alright. it's fine. study is more important." taehyung ended the call and threw it on the bed.

cancer was a part of him. he somehow liked the disease that was growing in him but in times, he wished it to be gone for some time.

soon there was a knock on the door and taehyung improved his posture by sitting up and leaning against the pile of pillows. he tugged on a small smile on his lips cause he didn't want his mom to get worried or sad.

"hey." it definitely wasn't his mom.

it was jeon jeongguk.

"oh hey." taehyung greeted and shifted to his right a little making space for jeongguk to come and sit.

"how are you?" the raven head asked in a low voice making taehyung to sigh and turn to his side in order to have better view of him.

"i'm totally fine." taehyung replied with the same expression that jeongguk had on his face causing him to look up at the brunette, worried.

"but you don't sound fine." jeongguk pointed out and taehyung bursted into laughter, "dude― stop pitying me. i will punch you if you ever say that."

"i am fine. more than i can ever be and if you continue keeping this face, don't come to my house from now." taehyung softly pushed jeongguk away but the other didn't nudge.

"you might have your cool friends to hang out. don't you?" taehyung asked and jeongguk nodded, "yeah i have too many friends and to be honest, they are actually too cool."

"what does that mean?" taehyung asked. curiosity building in.

"i have a lot of friends but none to call as my real friend." jeongguk sadly informed, "they are with me because i am famous for some reason."

"because you are hot―" taehyung blurted out and jeongguk let out a small chuckle, "really, you think so?"

"who doesn't think so, jeongguk? ask anyone." taehyung was so proud of himself for acting so cool in front of his crush. he never expected himself to be this calm and composed.

"now tell me, why are you coming here? there must be a reason. you like me?" taehyung hit jeongguk's arm with his elbow and the raven head could see his teasing smile that made him giggle.

"what? because you are my friend?" jeongguk asked, more like questioned while the brunette raised his brows.

"when did i say that you are my friend?" taehyung asked and jeongguk sighed, "then be my friend."

"be honest, you pitying me jeongguk?" taehyung tilted his head and asked leaving jeongguk speechless.

"i―" jeongguk didn't have any words cause he himself doesn't know why he was here and is still here.

"okay cut it, you wanna watch a movie?" taehyung suggested and jeongguk remembered that they were watching 'the untamed'.

"what about the untamed?" jeongguk asked and taehyung smiled opening netflix, "you already watched it and i don't want you to watch it again for me. we can watch something else."

"how about 365 days?" taehyung asked laughing and jeongguk looked at him in disbelief before saying, "no thanks."

"let's watch something horror." taehyung said and they stumbled upon eli.

seeing eli totally dependent on his parents for the disease he had, taehyung remembered how his parents' life also revolved around him. not exactly the same but still his parents were all the time thinking about him.

taehyung didn't approve of this and he felt guilty for some reasons but he ain't crying in front of his crush.

that's a big no.

so he took a deep breath and tried to change the topic for himself.

"how is your girlfriend, gguk?" the brunette asked; his eyes still glued on the screen.

"i am single―" jeongguk couldn't even finish his sentence when taehyung interrupted, "what? you don't?"

"it's been two months i broke up with my boyfriend. we only dated for a week or so." jeongguk told taehyung which the brunette couldn't just believe.

"your relationships are shorter than my dad's business trips." taehyung now paused the movie and turned to his side to see jeongguk turning too.

they both were now facing each other and for some reasons didn't exchange any words. just stayed quiet with small smiles adorning their lips.

"so you gay―" it was taehyung who broke the silence and jeongguk nodded, "yeah i like boys more."

"oh my―" taehyung excitedly squealed, "same."

but then regretted on why did he even do that? he just embarrassed himself.

silence engulfed the brunette for the second time and he stared at the boy in front once again.

jeongguk stared at the oxygen tubes and this time he realized that taehyung looked awfully pretty, even with those tubes.

"don't come here again if you pity me."

jeongguk shook his head no and smiled, "i don't know why i am here but it's definitely not because i pity you."

though jeongguk said that but he was himself so unsure about the reason.

"then you are definitely falling in love with me, jeon jeongguk." taehyung laughed and resumed the movie.

jeongguk was now watching the movie with all his focus but hearing small snores from his side, he couldn't but get distracted.

taehyung already fell asleep.

the raven head couldn't but admire how pretty the other actually was.

"acting tough but don't you really care?"


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