12 ;; bucket list

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"how dare you?" jeongguk gulped hearing those words and turned around to see a furious taehyung walking ahead.

he harshly grabbed his notebook and pulled it away, "you aren't supposed to see this, jeon jeongguk."

"tae, i didn't mean to but―" jeongguk was cut off by the brunette who glared at him, "just leave!"

"baby, i am so sorry." jeongguk apologized trying to hold the other's hand who was now sitting in the middle of the bed, hugging the notebook close to his heart.

"i am not your baby." taehyung yanked the other's hand and was about to shout when he realized that he was overreacting. now that jeongguk has already seen it, he can't do anything about it.

he tried to act mature and took a deep breath. he looked up at other who was panicking thinking that this might be the end of whatever they have.

"look, i am so sorry." jeongguk scooted closer and again tried to hold the other's hand. this time taehyung didn't pull it away and let him hold his hand. he liked it when jeon jeongguk held his hand, more like loved it.

"no, i am sorry. i just overreacted―" taehyung apologized looking up at the other before cupping his cheeks only to press their lips together for a quick peck that surprised jeongguk a little too much.

taehyung giggled seeing jeongguk's eyes widen, a shy smile adorning his lips, "you are so fucking cute."

"that was kinda unexpected." jeongguk pointed out and pecked the brunette's lips once again.

"so, i assume you saw my bucket list." taehyung threw himself on bed and grabbed the older to pull him over his body. the moment he did this, jeongguk lost his balance causing his face to go land in the crook of the younger's neck.

"don't feel sorry about me after seeing how many things i wished to do before dying." taehyung whispered and the other just shut his eyes closed getting more closer and buried his face deeper.

jeongguk started leaving butterfly kisses on the younger's neck causing the other to giggle when he got the tingling feeling.

the brunette pushed jeongguk away to which jeongguk just landed just beside him. they again went to their usual position that was to lay beside each other, with there opposite arms pressed.

"about your bucket list tae―" jeongguk paused for a moment, and sat up. he pulled taehyung too and when they were sitting, facing each other, he continued.

"i know i can't take you to the eiffel tower nor can i take you for bungee jumping but baby―" jeongguk stopped and ruffled the other's hair a little, "―but surely can take you on dates, feed you ice cream and―"

taehyung cut the other off abruptly, "woah, what are you jeon jeongguk? are you my boyfriend?"

"well― about that." jeongguk paused for a moment, he surely had no problem to be taehyung's boyfriend. he wasn't kissing him just like that. he liked him way too much even though it was just some days.

"you like me right?" jeongguk asked hoping for a positive answer but taehyung had his own plans. he will never say that he likes jeongguk back, he will never let him get too attached.

then why is he even letting him get this close?

because he wanted a little good time with him before he leaves. he wants to kiss him as much as he can.

nothing of this makes sense but taehyung doesn't even want to know the right, wrong or anything.

he just wants to keep jeongguk close but not too close.

"i like you too, jeon jeongguk." taehyung replied and saw the other's smile getting wider.

"then we can date, right―?" jeongguk was shushed when the brunette pushed his pointer finger on his lips.

"woah, jeon jeongguk. calm down. i like you but not that much that i can date you. like you were just a crush of mine."

"how do i believe when you just kissed me minutes ago?" jungkook smiled caressing the corner of taehyung's lips with his thumb.

"i like kissing you but i don't like you."

"that doesn't even make any sense." jeongguk got closer and closer until their lips were millimeters apart.

"it does. i like you but not that much. i just like to kiss you." taehyung pushed jeongguk away making him giggle.

the older could clearly see the other blushing hard and cooed at how cute the other was, "okay fine. you don't like me. you just like kissing me but please tae, let me fulfill all your wishes that i can. please."

"jeongguk." taehyung didn't find words to say as he felt his heart fluttering.

"please." jeongguk again said and taehyung just bit his lip, not able to find a way to say no to this sweet creature.

"yeah whatever."


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