30;; best thing ever

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taehyung was shifted back home, his dad wasn't happy with this decision at all but the brunette's wish was still fulfilled. after all having cancer had it's own perks. this was one of them.

emotional blackmailing.

taehyung tightened his grip around his boyfriend's hand who stared at him with a fake smile cause he was sobbing inside.

"you wanna know what i wished for that night?" taehyung asked, slowly sitting up.

"no, i don't wanna know." jeongguk scooted closer and pecked the younger's cheek.

taehyung nodded and wrapped his arms around jeongguk's chest hugging him tightly, "i wished for you to be always happy. wherever you are."

"that's not gonna happen cause when you will leave me, i won't be happy."

"i feel like i won't even last the night baby." taehyung hugged the other with all the energy he had which wasn't much cause he was getting weak with every passing day.

his beautiful face turned pale, his body was frail, his hands were shaking now and then. taehyung totally wasn't okay.

"hey, listen up." taehyung rubbed his face on jeongguk's t-shirt wiping the tears and pulled away with a big smile on his face.

"you won't cry on my funeral. got it?" taehyung asked but jeongguk just shook his head no, "can i please die with you?"

"no." taehyung angrily denied.

"i don't wanna live without you, baby." taehyung peppered jeongguk's face with kisses.

"you gotta keep me alive in here." the brunette poked on where jeongguk's heart is and pulled his face up by his chin, "don't mourn over my death, remember me in all those beautiful moments we had together."

"tae—" jeongguk was cut off when taehyung pressed his lips on the other's.

they didn't move their lips and stayed like that with just their lips touching each other's cause both of them knew taehyung can't keep his breath for a long time.

they stayed there with their eyes closed, lips against each other's, tears slowly rolling down and getting mixed.

after they pulled away, the younger licked his boyfriend's lips, giggling after which made the other smile.

"don't you ever forget me jeon jeongguk cause if you did, i will come back from my grave and haunt you." taehyung giggled and stared at the other, just in his eyes.

"oh my, my boyfriend is so fucking handsome. let me just admire him before i die." taehyung said and kissed jeongguk on his forehead.

"he is so damn sexy." he said that for the hundredth time now and kissed both his cheeks.

"and such a good person." he said and pecked his boyfriend's lips this time.

"all i wanna say is gguk, thank you. for being with me, for loving me." taehyung drew his bottom lip in and chewed on it before brushing his long slender fingers along the other's black hair locks.

"don't cry too much okay? get a hot boy for yourself soon hmm—" taehyung said, "but make sure, he isn't dying like me."

"jeon jeongguk—" the brunette sucked in a sharp breath, "i love you so much."

"i love you too." the raven head rested their foreheads together and both closed their eyes.

"you are the best thing that happened to me ever baby. i am glad you came into my life. i am glad we happened."

taehyung hugged his boyfriend so tightly with an intension to never let go.

he buried his face in the crook of jeongguk's neck and kissed the place.

"you are the best thing ever, jeongguk and i love you so fucking much."

taehyung said with all he had cause he knows this is the end and probably he can't say this to the other ever again.


one chapter left

and this book is #21 in angst
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