22;; to the fullest

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finally after total nine more days, taehyung was permitted to go home. he slowly got down the car, taking his oxygen tank with him and could see jeon jeongguk standing in front.

taehyung's heart couldn't but beat faster as soon as he saw the other's smile get wider when saw them returning.

"i missed you." jeongguk said kissing taehyung's cheek which made him blush hard before he pushed the other softly, "you were in the hospital two hours ago, bitch."

"two hours means one hundred and twenty minutes, it means seven thousand and two hundred seco—" before the raven head could finish the sentence, the younger shushed him by pressing their lips together which surely went unnoticed by his parents who were busy taking out the things from the car.

"mom, i am going to my room." he informed and now focused on the boy who was grinning like an idiot.

"and you— don't try to show off you asshole or else i will kill you." taehyung giggled before he fumbled with the key as they reached the door.

he unlocked it and walked in, jeongguk following him, occasionally touching his butt that made the other turn around and glare.

"what the fuck, jeon jeongguk!" taehyung wanted to keep an annoyed face but couldn't as he soon laughed and slapped jeongguk's right arm, "such a pervert."

"i am your boyfriend." jeongguk declared. he did something the latter probably never imagined.

jeon jeongguk picked the backpack that had the oxygen tank in and slinged it around his shoulders before pulling taehyung off his feet as he carried him, bridal style.

"fuck, what are you doing? my parents are right outside."

taehyung started moving as he wanted the other to keep him down.

"do i fucking care?"

taehyung again tried to get off but seeing that wide smile dancing on the other's lips, he stopped.

his arms wrapped around jeongguk's neck and he leaned closer to boop their noses, "i love you so much, jeon jeongguk."

"i love you more." jeongguk slowly walked up the stairs and taehyung just buried his face in the crook of the other's neck. his steady breathing against jeongguk's was probably the best thing.

but the problem was that he didn't know how long he can breath more.

"jeongguk, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. thank you." taehyung whispered against the other's smooth skin who smiled and opened the door to taehyung's room.

the younger's eyes bored into the other's as he walked to the bed. jeongguk slowly placed him at the edge and made him sit before he settled on his but and rested his head on taehyung's thighs.

"doctor said i don't have much time." taehyung informed, his long, slender fingers running through the other's smooth, black hair locks who bit his bottom lip keeping his tears in.

"ignore those fuckers baby, they are not god. they don't know shit." jeongguk looked up at the other who smiled.

"you being my boyfriend wasn't my plan. but i couldn't just resist. you are so fucking hot jeon jeongguk." taehyung giggled and pinched the other's nose.

"i don't know how long you got. even i can die before you. so it's all unknown baby, we can't do anything—" jeongguk smiled, his palm rubbing the other's thighs gently.

"all we can do is live our lives to the fullest."

"don't say things like that jeongguk. you gotta live a thousand years baby, for me." taehyung smiled before softly slapping jeongguk.

"now get out, i need to change." the brunette pushed the other making him chuckle.

"i don't mind seeing you change, babe."


the chapters of this book
doesn't contain too much
details but still- i am in
love with both the
characters :'(

it's gonna be hard.

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