01 ;; the basketball

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the cold air hit the porcelain skin of the raven haired boy as he marched forward. hands turned into fists while he took bigger steps than usual;; his eyes fixed on the boy walking ahead with the thing that he deserved.

a signed basketball by the one and only ha seung jin was the only thing jeon jeongguk can think of right now.

the seventeen year old didn't know the name of the other boy who he already labeled as 'thief' walking to the entrance of their highschool campus with his basketball.

"hey!" he finally called and started running when he noticed that the other was already getting out of the campus.

jeongguk knitted his brows when the boy unintentionally ignored and kept walking. finding no other way, the raven head increased his pace and stopped the other getting just in front of him.

this sudden action made the brunette flinch and stop in the middle of the tracks and now finally jeon jeongguk could see the face of the one who took the thing that he deserved to get.

"oh you were talking to me―" the boy spoke with a wide smile plastered on his lips while jeongguk, who mentally prepared himself to pick a fight instead bit his bottom lip seeing the pipe like thing on his face.

it started from behind his ears and had connection with his nostrils before getting down and gets attached to a small red bag he was carrying.

"that―" jeongguk paused staring at the other's face whose smile got even wider. he pointed at the tubes and jeongguk nodded, "yeah that."

"that's a nasal cannula, jeongguk." the boy informed taking the raven head by surprise as he was confused on how did he know his name.

jeongguk didn't remember talking to him earlier,, quite sure that the first time they were talking.

"how do you know my name?" jeongguk questioned at which the brunette just smiled for the third time, "who doesn't know you? you are the most popular boy in the campus."

"you want something from me? by the way, i am taehyung." the brunette introduced himself and jeongguk was still staring at the cannula.

"you were supposed to be a year senior than me but now it doesn't matter cause i am not studying anymore." taehyung excitedly said leaving the other totally clueless.

jeongguk, who was here to talk about the basketball totally forgot about that as all he could think about at this point was about the nasal cannula and what might have happened to the boy named taehyung.

"what is that thing for?"

"this cannula?" taehyung asked while the other nodded.

"i have lung cancer―" taehyung informed and jeongguk immediately hung his head low, "i'm so sorry."

"hey don't be sorry." taehyung paused for a second before continuing, "it's okay. moreover i like it."

taehyung was actually happy having those tumors growing inside his lungs. he was glad that he was sick.


he loved how everyone sees him in a different way. loves him more and cares for him more.

jeongguk was shocked to hear those words but thought that it was better if he didn't comment on this.

"you still didn't say why you called me." taehyung said and sighed when he felt tiredness taking over.

too much standing for today.

cancer may have it's perks but it has side effects too.

"uhm yes i mean― no." jeongguk stuttered not finding any way to talk about that basketball.

the most important thing moments ago was nothing to him now.

"uhm can we sit and talk? actually i can't stand for too long." taehyung asked hoping jeongguk to say yes cause this is probably the first and last time he can talk to the one he admired from so long. from afar.

"yeah sure." jeongguk along with taehyung walked to one of the benches installed here and there in the campus and settled down beside each other.

taehyung breathed heavily while the raven head just stared at him.

taehyung took a moment to admire the boy from this distance.

so close.

his long, curly black hair falling on his eyes as he hung his head low. his porcelain skin that glowed under the sunlight. the boy was indeed perfect from every angle and distance.

the brunette now placed the basketball in between them and jeongguk sighed seeing the signature of his idol.

"you want this basketball?" taehyung noticed how jeongguk was looking at the circular thing which caused the raven head to look up at him, "you love playing basketball. don't you?"

"honestly, i stopped you for this. our coach said that i was about to get this as i was the best player but when i heard the principal gave it to someone else―" jeongguk stopped not wanting to continue.

"ah that's the reason. see, being sick is good. having cancer has it's own perks. we are treated differently. it's nice right?"

"how can you be so cool with this? lung cancer is the most dangerous." jeongguk finally spilled his thoughts to which taehyung just stayed quiet.

"don't worry, take it. i don't need it. i can hardly stand for five minutes at a stretch so forget playing basketball. you should keep it." taehyung ignoring the other's question, pushed the ball towards jeongguk's side who didn't know what to do.

"no, keep it."

"hey, i don't need it. really." taehyung said and smiled, "moreover, i love football more."

"no―" jeongguk still denied to take it and now taehyung just sighed and stood up carefully, "my mom's waiting for me, goodbye jeongguk."

jeongguk looked up at the other who was now standing on his feet.

the brunette smiled at him and started walking ahead.

the older just stared at the figure who slowly made his way ahead but stopped for a moment to turn around and wave at him.

"i'm happy having this cancer in me jeongguk. don't worry! and you deserve to have that. not me." taehyung half shouted as he couldn't do it any louder causing the raven head to feel a different kind of guilt.

he sighed and looked heavenwards before focusing on the ball sitting beside him.

he doesn't know why, but something in him just didn't permit him to take this basketball which he loved more than anything.

but it was too late as taehyung was already out of the campus.

the once extra ordinary thing was now so ordinary to jeongguk cause all he thought was about the weird boy named taehyung who was happy having cancer.


first chapter might be little messy. sorry but please stay tuned babies !

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