24;; a little more

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"my fault?" jeongguk questioned with a smile. he was kinda proud of how he still wasn't crying. it was getting difficult with every passing moment.

"of course, it's your fault, coconut head. you should have never come to my house that day." taehyung scooted closer and hugged the other tightly.

"i thought, i loved this cancer but you—" taehyung tightened his grip around jeongguk's neck, "because of you gguk, i wanna live for a little longer."

"baby. shh—" jeongguk kissed his boyfriend and shushed him before cupping his cheeks, "don't say all these. you are gonna live baby."

"i wish baby cause i wanna spend some more time with you." taehyung couldn't but now burst into tears.

he just wanted to live a little longer.

he just wanted to love a little longer.

"taehyungie." jeongguk couldn't but tear up and finally the tears rolled his face, "i love you so much. i love you."

"i love you more, jeon jeongguk." taehyung tried to hug the other even more tightly if that was possible, so did the other.

they didn't know what's in their future.

all they wanted is to love each other.


it's been almost a week since taehyung was discharged from the hospital. in all these days, when jeongguk was feeding him, caring for him, kissing him, kim taehyung realized that he wanted the other to do something else with him.

taehyung wanted jeongguk to do a little more than just kissing him

he was currently on his bed with his phone in his hand. he called jeongguk and impatiently waited for the other to pick it up.

"hey gorgeous." he heard the other say from the other side. he didn't know how much he loved jeon jeongguk's voice. he loved it so much that he could listen to his boyfriend's voice for the whole day.

"come over." taehyung shortly said that made the other worried.

"is everything alright? i am on my way." taehyung could feel the other running and giggled, "baby, everything is good. don't worry and use the window, okay."

"will be there shortly baby."

jeongguk was already in front of taehyung's room and saw the windows were open, just the curtains were the one restricting to see what's going on in the room.

he crawled into the room and was stunned to see taehyung sitting in the middle of the bed wearing just a oversized white shirt that barely covered his thighs.

the only source of light was the nightstand lamp. he locked the windows behind and closed the curtains before walking towards his boyfriend who smiled at him.

he smiled back and walked near the other's bed while the younger moved to the edge.

"baby—" jeongguk was cut off by the latter as he pressed their lips together getting a little higher.

the brunette crossed his arms around jeongguk's neck and kissed him. it wasn't one of those short kisses they have been giving each other the past few days.

it was one of those french kisses.

a string of saliva still connected their mouths as they pulled away after their sloppy, heated kiss.

"let's spend some awake time together, jeon jeongguk." taehyung pulled the other in the bed.

jeongguk settled resting his back on the headboard while taehyung was sitting on his stomach.

"what does that mean?" jeongguk asked, not getting what the other said.

"dumb, don't you know? i meant that." taehyung emphasized on the word 'that' but still jeongguk raised his brows, "what?"

"you are hopeless." taehyung sighed and finally jeongguk got it.

"you wanna do that baby?" the raven head asked, his hands running up and down his boyfriend's thighs.

"if you want the same too." taehyung said, his deep voice sending chills to the other's spine.

jeongguk pulled the other closer by grabbing the other's waist and that was the moment, the older realized that taehyung wasn't wearing anything beneath.

jeongguk saw the other biting his lips as he now scooted closer that was probably making him go crazy.

"we don't have a condom." jeongguk reminded, his palms busy massaging taehyung's ass.

"do i care? i ain't getting pregnant anyways." taehyung let out a small chuckle before shutting his eyes feeling the other leaning closer.

"so gorgeous, you really wanna do it?" jeongguk whispered against the other's ear who impatiently nodded, "yes, please."

"how do you wanna do it?" jeongguk placed a kiss on taehyung's collarbones and started peppering the skin near the area with butterfly kisses but stopped when taehyung grabbed his hair and pushed him against the headboard.

jeongguk saw the other smirk and lean ahead. he licked jeongguk's earlobe and whispered,

"i wanna ride you, jeon jeongguk."



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