Chapter 105: Into Exile

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After saying my final farewells to Master Yoda and Obi-Wan, I hopped into my starfighter before taking off. Realizing that Kina, Gida, and Tarom were somewhere out there in the galaxy, I decided to contact them through the emergency channel.

"This is Storm Ca'ana. Kina, Tarom, Gida, are you out there?" I inquired.

I heard nothing but static, frustrating me. I can't stay out here in space forever. I need to find a place to lay low for now. I glanced down at my holomap, trying to find the nearest planet, which was Ithor. I quickly made my way down onto the planet, landing in the outskirts of a village. In the village, there were several small homes and a cantina in the middle. I decided to make my way to the cantina. Perhaps I can find some intel on my dad there.  As soon as I entered the cantina, I made my way to the bar. The place was nearly empty with a couple of Ithorians sitting around tables. As soon as I sat down on a chair, a male Ithorian with orange skin and blue eyes approached me.

"What do you want?" He asked in his language, Ithorese.

Fortunately, I understood Ithorese. But I didn't speak the language. For anyone who wasn't Ithorian, it was difficult to speak their language. So hopefully this Ithorian knows Galactic Basic.

"An Ithorian Mist." I said.

At once, the Ithorian nodded before he began to make the drink. As the bartender began to make the drink, I spoke up, deciding to ask about my dad. "So have you gotten any outlanders in the past year or so? Someone named Tâtsâ Ca'ana?"

The Ithorian shrugged. "Sometimes we get outlanders, but I'm not sure if we had any recently..."

I placed a few credits down on the table. This quickly changed his mind as he placed a glass of light yellow liquid right in front of me. "I remember now. Pale skinned man like the Echani and blonde hair."

I nodded vigorously. "Yes that's him."

"He was here in search of his son, Alotren. But he left once he realized Alotren wasn't here." He explained.

"And how long ago did he leave?" I asked.

"A month ago." He replied. "But I don't know where he went. I can show you the home he was occupying in this village."

My eyes lit up. "That would be great."

After finishing my drink and paying the bartender, he took me to the home that my dad resided in. Once we arrived at the round small home, the Ithorian left to return to the cantina. I walked inside to find the place abandoned. The living room had simple furniture, but no evidence of my dad being here, frustrating me. However in the bedroom, there was parchments of vidmaps on the wall. The vidmaps were a map of the galaxy, but they were all scattered. A smile broke out on my face. If I can figure out where he went, then perhaps I can find him. There's hope...


After two weeks, I tried contacting Kina, Tarom, and Gida again from my starfighter. I couldn't make out the maps. So I was back to where I started, without a clue as to where dad was.

"This is Storm Ca'ana. Kina, Gida, Tarom, can any of you hear me?" I questioned.

After a minute of static, I heard Kina's voice. "...Storm, this is Kina. I hear you. Where are you? Are you safe?"

"Yeah, I'm safe. How about you, Gida, and Tarom?" I inquired.

"We're all fine. But I think we should meet up at a cantina." Kina suggested.

"All right. You name the place and I'll be there." I said.

"Atzerri, there's a cantina called Freeman Cantina." Kina informed me.

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