Chapter 3: Anger Leads To Hate

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Koltav then decided to show me around the palace, including the ballroom. Currently we were in the gardens where all the fauna and flora that dwelled in Corellia were right here. I looked around in awe. "It's beautiful." 

"Wait until you see the rest of the city. Have you ever visited Coronet before?" Koltav inquired.

"No, this is my first time here." I replied. "I was born and raised on Tyrena though, it's close by the golden beaches."

His face lit up. "You were born in Corellia?"

I nodded. "Before my siblings and I grew up, my parents moved to Corellia to have us. My mother use to be a Holojournalist before going into politics, and my father worked as a engineer."

At that moment a Corellian slice hound appeared before me, startling me. Koltav placed a hand on my arm. "It's alright. He's not going to hurt you."

A Corellian slice hound has sharp teeth and a body covered in brown fur and spines. I've never seen one before, but my mother always told me as a child to stay away from the hounds as they were very dangerous. As the hound got closer to me, Koltav urged me to touch him. I turned to him, looking at him as if he had gone mad.

"Go on, he won't hurt you." Koltav reassured me.

I slowly extended a hand out towards the hound until finally my hand rested on his back. The hound sniffed my other hand before sticking its tongue out. I released a relieved sigh as the hound became rather friendly.

"You see? He's rather friendly." Koltav commented.

"What's his name?" I asked.

"Fang." Koltav replied.

I chuckled. "It suits him."

Korste then approached us. "Brother."

Koltav furrowed his brows. "Is something wrong?"

"No, I just wish to inform you that dinner is ready." Korste informed us.

"Wonderful, we'll be there right away." Koltav said.

Korste nodded. "Very well, I'll see you both there."

He then walked off, making his way to the dining room.

"Well, we better get going." I suggested.

Koltav nodded. "Indeed."

We then made our way to the dining room. The dining room was just as magnificent as the other rooms. It had several pillars, a chandelier with crystals from the swamps by Tyrena, statues, and holo-art, and a doomed shape ceiling, allowing the sun to hit the crystals in the ceiling, producing enough light for the entire room. It was only Koltav, Korste, and I who sat at the table. I furrowed my brows upon not seeing my master with us.

"Will my master not be joining us?" I inquired.

"Your Jedi master didn't tell me when she'd be returning. All she said to me before leaving the palace was that she return as soon as she could hopefully with some information." Korste informed me.

With that the servants brought out plates of Smoked nerf, Salthia beans, Corellian sausages, Mounder potato rice, and much more. Corellian noale was served in glasses and we even had air cakes for dessert. The food definitely gave me a nostalgic feeling. As we ate, Korste spoke up. "So your name is Storm Ca'ana?"

"Yes..." I said, unsure of where he was going with this.

"Then are you by any chance related to Veda Ca'ana?" Korste asked.

I nodded. "As a matter of fact I am."

"No wonder her last name sounded so familiar." Koltav commented.

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