Chapter 39: The Second Battle On Geonosis

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Before heading to the hangars, I went to my room where my holoprojector was. I tried contacting Koltav, but he didn't respond. No doubt he was still hurt from our argument. Determined to try to fix things, I decided to leave a message for him. "Koltav, I know you don't want to see me let alone listen to what I have to hear, but please hear me out. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't thinking of you...I was selfish."

"I truly love you. And what you desire is for me to leave the Jedi Order, then I will do it. I'll leave the Order behind and return to Corellia to be with you. The Jedi Order may be all that I know, but I am nothing without you, min larel."

With that I made my way to the hangars where I met up with Areria, Obi-Wan, Cody, and Mocax. As we walked through the hangars, we had wondered whether they had been involved in the first battle that began on Geonosis.

"No, sir, I wasn't involved in the first assault on Geonosis." Cody commented.

"Neither was I." Mocax added.

"You didn't miss much. Last time, Storm and I were chained to a pole and attacked by several humongous monsters." Obi-Wan informed them.

"That sounds entertaining." Cody mentioned.

I snorted. "Well it was...for the Geonosians."

With that Areria, Mocax, and I made our way towards the shuttle where Anakin, Ahsoka, Rex, and the rest of our troopers were.

"We all ready, Rex?" Anakin asked.

Rex nodded. "Yes, sir."

"General Kenobi is already under way." Mocax mentioned.

"He's got a head start." Areria pointed out.

"Look's like we'll have to catch up." Anakin urged with a grin.

"Oh it's on." I chimed in.

With that, we took off. Unfortunately, it wasn't long until we were shot down by the bugs. Once we crash landed, Anakin and I moved towards the doors, trying to pry it open.

"Come on, get up!" Anakin ordered.

"We have to keep moving." I urged.

Fortunately we managed to push the doors open. Once the doors were opened, we rushed out. Ahsoka, Areria, Anakin, and I ignited our lightsabers before lunging towards the bugs. It wasn't long until they began to fall back, allowing us to push forth. However as we pressed even further, our tanks had vanished. We needed Obi-Wan's and Nova's forces for support. Currently we were beneath a trench. Rex had just contacted Cody, and unfortunately we received bad news.

"Cody says General Kenobi never reached the landing site. They think his gunship got shot down." Rex informed us.

My eyes widened at Rex's words. I hope he's alright. I don't want to think that something bad happened to him. Anakin let out a sigh. "Great. The one time I actually ask Obi-Wan for help, he's nowhere to be found."

"What if something happened to General Kenobi?" Ahsoka asked.

"Yeah, what if he's injured or-" Areria suggested.

"No time for that kind of talk. Rex, Mocax, we need to mobilize now." I advised.

"Get the men together. We're gonna rush the guns." Anakin added.

"Yes, Generals." Rex and Mocax said at the same time.

"Ahsoka, Areria, you're with Storm and me. We need to give Rex cover when we attack." Anakin ordered.

Ahsoka nodded. "Got it. Just give the word."

Anakin noticed Areria and Ahsoka were still out of it, no doubt thinking about Obi-Wan. He spoke up, getting their attention. "Hey, Storm and I are worried about him too."

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