Chapter 9: Duels

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Camille sat down on the ship's railing next to Lucy as she watched the sword fight.

Caspian and Edmund parried before stepping back and circling around each other. They wore grins as if this was something they would do everyday. Caspian crossed blades again with Edmund and they continued to parry. Caspian swung his sword at Edmund's head who leaned back to avoid it. Edmund brought his sword down on Caspian but Caspian blocked it.

Edmund spun around, ducked under Caspian's leg, then swung his sword low. Caspian jumped over Ed's sword then clashed swords with Edmund again. Edmund made a swipe at Caspian and the older king dodged it by leaning backwards. Then the two broke off to analyze their next move.

Caspian lashed his sword out at Edmund's and they continued their deadly dance again. Caspian tried to knock Edmund's sword out of his hand but he held firm.

Camille smiled, Edmund was doing good for one who had been away. Camille cheered with the others as the boys ended the dual with their swords at each other's throats.

The two grinned at each other again and Caspian clasped the younger boy on the shoulder. "You've grown stronger, my friend."

"Seems I have," Edmund smiled.

"Alright, back to work." Drinian ordered.

Camille shook her head, the captain always had his priorities straight.

Edmund walked over to the girls. Someone passed him a cup of water which Edmund took and leaned himself against the railing between Camille and Lucy sipping the cool water.

"Edmund," Lucy asked slowly. "Do you think if we keep sailing, we'll just....... tip off the edge?"

Edmund looked at her, "Don't worry, Lu, we're a long way from there."

"I see you two are still talking nonsense." Eustace's voice spoke as he walked towards them.

"Are you feeling any better?" Lucy inquired.

"Yes, no thanks to you. Thankfully, I have an iron constitution." Eustace retorted.

"I don't think you have an iron anything," Camille mumbled softly causing Edmund to grin slightly.

"As effervescent as ever, I see." Reep commented as he scurried across the railing to stand next to Lucy. "Find your sea legs?"

"Never lost them. Simply getting over the shock of things," Eustace quickly defended himself. "Mother says I have an acute disposition, due to my intelligence." Eustace added.

Edmund spat water into his cup at Eustace's comment and Camille snorted.

"I don't think he has 'acute' anything." Reep muttered in amusement.

"I'll have you all know, as soon as we find civilization...... I'm contacting the British Consul. I'll have you all arrested for kidnapping." Eustace went on to say. He turned to leave the group but his shoulder collided with a solid chest. He looked up to see Caspian grinning down at him with amusement.

"Kidnapping, is it?" Caspian mused. He couldn't quite wipe the crooked grin off his face. "That's funny. I thought we saved your life."

"You held me against my will!" Eustace exclaimed, throwing his hands up. "In, I must say, those are the most unhygienic quarters. It's like a zoo down there!"

"He's quite the complainer, isn't he?" Reep mused.

"He's just warming up." Edmund drawled, not amused.

Suddenly, the sound of clashing swords interrupted them. Camille had gone off to help Marcus work with his double bladed weapon. Camille had two swords in her hands and she used them to ward off some of Marcus's strikes.

Agilely, Camille moved around the boat, her swords dancing like fire. Camille slipped to the right under Marcus's blade. She next deflected two strikes and jumped back when he swung at her throat.

Camille dodged another swing by bringing her swords up. "Come on, swing the other up." She instructed, she had had some practice with a double blade.

"Now spin." Camille showed him how to spin the blade with her own sword and Marcus attempted following her instructions. He even incorporated some of his skills with a regular sword that he had learned back at home.

Camille watched in amazement as the weapon in the boy's hands seemed to come alive as if it were made for the lad.

The lookout interrupted them causing Camille to nearly get hit. Caspian winced, fearing Camille's safety, but Edmund had a stern expression. Maybe there was more to this strange boy than meets the eye.

"Land ho!"

Camille ran up to the poop deck followed by Caspian, Drinian, and Edmund.

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