Chapter 18: Kidnapped in the Night

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The stars hung in the inky black sky, their iridescent light going unnoticed to the ones below in restless sleep. Camille slept in distressed confusion, Pearl anxious about everyone's wellbeing, Marcus wasn't even sleeping, and Lucy? Well, she was sleeping soundly, content like most of the other crew members.

Some large footsteps hopped through the sleeping campsite. They made sandprints as the invisible beings stopped to study each sleeping person.

"Seems like they brought a pig," one voice whispered, standing next to Eustace who was snoring loudly.

Hold up, Marcus thought. Invisible beings? Man, this place is getting stranger and stranger.

"This one is a female," another whispered who was beside Lucy.

"This one too," another one added standing by Gael.

"This one as well," yet another voice whispered next to Camille.

"Hey, this girl reads." The first voice spoke again who was still by Lucy.

"Let's take her," the first voice ordered. It was apparently the leader of this group.

Two of the beings seized Lucy and hoisted her up and carried her deeper inland. An invisible hand had covered her mouth so she wouldn't scream.

After a moment of waiting, Marcus stood and took his weapon and followed them. He was curious about these invisible things now. When the group reached an open area, Lucy was dropped to the ground. She immediately whipped out her dagger to fight whoever kidnapped her. The weapon was effortlessly knocked out of her hand and when she tried to get to it an unseen force pushed her away. Lucy landed on her bottom and she desperately scrambled backwards away from the many voices coming in all directions.

"There is no escaping." The leader of the group declared.

"Well put," one put in.

"Yea, scary." Another spoke.

"Yeah," said yet another.

"Who are you?" Lucy spoke boldly as she stood.

"We are invisible beasts," said the first.

"If you could see us, you would be very intimidated." Another taunted.

"Oh, but you forgot to mention that we are very large." Another interjected.

Suddenly, something cracked behind the creatures.

"Hey you!" One creature snapped when they noticed Marcus.

Well, so much for being quiet! Marcus thought. He was about to run when an invisible hand grabbed him by the arms and threw him to the ground beside Lucy.

"Marcus!" Lucy exclaimed, surprised.

"Oh, um, hey, Lucy." The boy stammered standing up and rubbing the arm he landed on.

"Is your arm ok?" Lucy asked, reaching out to check the arm.

"I, I think so. Just a little scratch."

"Oh, a little friendly reunion. Alright cut it out you two. Back to business!" The leader's voice commanded stiffly.

"You, missy, will do what we ask." The current voice commanded again.

"She will," said a second.

"Clearly," said a third.

"Well put," said a fourth.

"Yeah!" Said a fifth.

"Or what," Lucy dared to ask.

"Or death," said the first.

"Death?" Lucy asked.

"Death. Death. Death." They all chanted.

"Well I wouldn't be of much use to you dead, now would I." Lucy pointed out.

"I haven't thought of that," said the first.

"Alright then, we'll just kill your friends."

"Ooh, good idea," said the second three.

"Or we could just kill your friend here," a sixth spoke up.

"Ow! Hey! Stop it!" Marcus yelped as one being whacked him across the face and another took one of Marcus's legs and flipped him in a somersault. Marcus landed on his back with a hard thud and a grunt.

"Leave him alone!" Lucy barked. "I'll go, but Marcus comes as well."

"Fine then," the first relented as Marcus stood up, "you two shall enter the house of the oppressor."

"What house?" Lucy asked. She couldn't see a house.

"This one," the second replied. A door in absolutely nothing opened on cue. Lucy's eyes widened in amazement as did Marcus's.

"Upstairs, down the hall, in the last room on the left, you will find the book of incantations. Recite the spell that makes the unseen seen." The first instructed the pair.

Lucy took a moment to peer around the edges of the door. All she saw was just the rest of the garden.

"Well, we don't have all day," the voice spoke again.

"Why don't you guys do it yourselves?" Lucy questioned.

"We.... can't read." The third explained.

"Can't write either as a matter of fact." The second voice added. Lucy frowned at this.

"Why didn't you say so?" Lucy questioned.

"Beware of the oppressor.....he's very oppressive." The creatures warned the duo.

The two were ushered inside and the door shut behind them.

"Um, thanks for.....helping me back there." Marcus said slowly.

Lucy smiled. "You're welcome, that's what friends do."

Marcus looked at the ground. "Friends? I haven't had a friend for a long time. Back at home, everyone thinks I'm crazy. There, I'm just a smart orphan that everyone hates."

Lucy looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry. Now let's find that book." She said, changing the subject.

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