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18/06/18, Wednesday, 6.09 p.m.

It's the last day of trip.

All students are playing volleyball while others cheered for them. The teachers watching them from afar.

Minhee was sitting on the sand, staring at the breathtaking view of sunset. She was wearing a green T-shirt, a pair of short and flip flop. Then, Joe came from behind. He sat down next to her, wearing a lifejacket. He was shirtless underneath and only wear shorts.

"You okay?"


She got the reply with a nod from the other. They sat quietly next to each other. It was a comfortable silence between them.

"Hey Joon." Minhee called.


"How does it feel to be in a rich family?"

Minhee asked with correct words. She knows sensitive this topic for Joe, a rich family.

Joe lowered his head before answering.


His answer was short, but enough for Minhee.

Minhee chuckled, turning her head to Joe.

"Everything is boring to you, what isn't?"

"Being with you." Joe turned to look at her.

They made eye contact.

Joe was sinking into those beautiful blue ocean orbs, until Minhee broke the contact.

Minhee looked at the shore and saw a little boy, four or five year old. He was playing with the water, without any elder. Minhee stared at the boy. Who the fuck left their child there?

As she continued to stare, the little boy slowly took steps backward as he was distracted by a baby crab. He almost reached the water and suddenly fell into it.

Without thinking, Minhee yanked the lifejacket off of Joe with a swift move and started to sprint towards the water.

"Minhee! Wait!"

Joe followed her from behind, but Minhee is really fast. She quickly put on the lifejacket and jumped into the water.

"Minhee! You can't swim!" That's all she heard before entering the water.

The boy was swaying his little arms everywhere while sticking his head on the surface. Minhee make her way to him and hugged him before he could sink into the salty water. The boy was gasping heavily as Minhee held him tightly in her arms.

With the help the lifejacket, both of them were floating not too far from the shore.

Minhee brushed away a few strands of hair from the boy's face.

"Are you okay?"

The boy nodded and wrapped his little arms around her neck. Then, she saw Joe swimming towards them.

"Are you two okay?"
He asked.

"Yeah, we're fine."
She answered.

Joe sighed in relief and brought the two to the shore.

The mother of the boy thanked Minhee for her bravery even though she can't swim.

At the end, Minhee got a cold. And of course, she got scolded by Mr. Totoro.

But somehow, she was glad she saved the boy.

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