Kɪʟʟ ᴘᴛ.2

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"Let's go!"

Chan yelled as he slid his gun at the back of his jeans. All members were busy getting their weapons ready and soon all of them got into the car.

They have found out about The Boyz for taking care Minhee, daughter of
Hwang Minhyun. They too discovered about Choi Joon. And just now, they managed to track down Dohyun whereabouts. And found him. They immediately go to the car and drove off.

A few minutes later, they arrived at the building. There are fire everywhere. Jisung looked around the entrance area and saw a certain someone, his brother. next to him, was a blonder. Jisung quickly got out of the car, ignoring the yells from Chan. He ran towards Dohyun, who's eyes wide looking at the front, laying on the ground slightly terrified.

"Dohyun!" Jisung crouched down and looked at his brother. The blonder next to him backed off a little. Dohyun was trembling, it angered Jisung. He looked up to the blonder.

"What did you do to him?" He growled at the blonder. But his attention got caught by Dohyun's whimpers.

"H-hyung, look." Dohyun pointed somewhere in front of him. Jisung turned to where he pointed. He can't believe what he's seeing.

A girl hiding a knife covered with blood. Her black hoodie was splattered by red crimson liquid. Laying on the ground, was a lifeless body next to her. Her head was hooded so no one saw her face.

But when she slowly turned around, Jisung thought he could be dead by just a look. The girl has a blank expression on the face. She has glowing blue eyes, eyes that showed no signs of fear. Instead, they shows the eyes of a hungry monster.

*An hour earlier*

Minhee, Juyeon and Hyunjae walked quietly towards the door downstairs, where Dohyun and Joe was kept.

Hyunjae peeked from the corner to make sure no one in sight.

"Clear." He said.

Juyeon and Minhee stood on each side of the doorframe. The male tried twisting the knob, it's open.

"It's open."

"Okay, on the count of three. 1 2 3!"

In a swift move, the two stepped into the room. Minhee sighed in relief as she saw her friends in a good condition.

Both of the boys were tied up to a chair and their mouth was gagged. Minhee stepped forward and took off their gags.

"Minhee you're here." Dohyun breathed out.

"Of course I'm here. I can't leave without hearing your shits." She said jokingly.

"Language." Warned Juyeon.

"I leaned it from all of you!" She talked back.

Juyeon decided to ignore the younger and guard the door while Minhee untied the boys.

A few minutes later, the door was busted open by a panicked Hyunjae.

"What, what is it?!"

"There's a lot of them! And they're coming! Hide!" He said in one breath.

Joe and Dohyun quickly put their hand at the back to make it looked like they were being tied. Hyunjae and Juyeon squeezed themselves into a closet meanwhile Minhee jumped up and held the wood above her. The room was barely Juyeon's height, she can reached the ceiling. She pulled herself up from the ground and sat carefully on the wood that attached on each side of the walls. She pulled up her feet.

The door swung opened revealing several men with armed weapons.


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