chapter 1

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Yeonjun took a deep breath before going through the double doors to the school. He was nervous. He was scared... Correction: he was terrified. The first day of the last year of high school, and he was the new kid in from America. His parents moved to Busan from California for work reasons.

His mom and dad had met online and were long distance for a while. It was a bit hard being around the world from each other: his dad living in L.A., California and his mom living in Busan, South Korea before he was born. He was born in Busan, but never remembered living here in South Korea.

But really? They made him move for his last year of high school? They made him leave all of his friends behind because his parents got relocated for work? Yeonjun was angry at first, but he's kind of accepted it now.

He wrapped an arm around each of his younger brothers, Taehyun and Kai, who were standing on either side of him. Yeonjun knew that this was so much harder on his brothers than him. They've been dreading this day to come, and the least Yeonjun could do was be there for them.

"Ok... Let's try and find the office to get our schedules." Yeonjun said to them in English as he took his arms away, seeing how his little brothers were starting to get embarrassed.

Yeonjun walked in front as his brothers followed behind him. Taehyun linked his arm with Kai so that he didn't get lost, like he always does. Yeonjun turned his head around to make sure Taehyun and Kai were following him, when he felt someone hit him.

He turned his head back quickly, seeing a boy drop his books and fall to the floor. Yeonjun's eyes widened and he crouched down next to the boy. He looked so innocent, and Yeonjun noticed his kind eyes, even though he looked scared. Yeonjun noticed the purple bruise under his eye, looking fresh, like it had just happened moments ago. He noticed how his uniform was a bit wrinkled at the collar with his sweater vest squeezing his small frame. Yeonjun thought it was strange how he was carrying all of his books, but still had his back pack on. It was even more strange that the back pack looked almost empty. He had so many questions... but this poor boy was still on the cold floor.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry... I wasn't paying attention to where I was going... Are you ok?" Yeonjun asked in Korean, noticing the boy holding onto the back of his head, "I-I'll take you to the nurse... I think you hit your head on the floor."

"I-I'm fine." The boy said as he sat up. He started to grab all the books he had dropped, now spread out on the hallway floor.

Yeonjun helped him pick them up as his two brothers stood behind him, noticing the stares coming from people who were passing by.

"Lemme take you to the nurse, ok? You might have a con-"

"I-I'm fine... S-Sorry I r-ran into y-you." The boy said as Yeonjun handed him the last of his books, "I-I'll j-just leave y-you be." The boy quickly got up and ran down the hallway.

"Wait!" Yeonjun said to try and stop him, but he never turned around. Yeonjun sighed and mumbled to himself, "I never even got your name."

Kai moved closer to Yeonjun and asked in English, "Why did he look like he just got beat up?"

"Yeah, that black eye definitely wasn't from you running into him." Taehyun added.

"I don't know..." Yeonjun said, feeling uneasy, "Let's just go get our schedules, ok?"

. . . . .

"They said first period already started and we don't have any classes together, so I'll see you guys at lunch." Yeonjun said as he frantically compared their schedules, "If you need me for anything, just text me. You guys have a bunch of classes together, so stick with each other until I meet you for lunch, ok?"

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