chapter 22

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"Awww... That's too cute."

"I know... He's really shy and he stutters whenever he talks to me. He's really trying."

"Stop it! Oh my goodness, that's so adorable."

"His boyfriend is so sweet and trying to help him out. He even ordered some of his food for him... And he asked me to talk to him so that he could practice."

"Did you talk to him?"

"Yeah, but he got so nervous, so I just let them order their food. He just looked like he was having a hard time. Poor kid... I just wanna put him in my pocket and take him home. He's so cute."

"You might not be able to do that, hyung."

"Really, Taehyung? I know I can't literally do that."

"You and Yoongi-hyung are still trying to have a baby, yeah?"

Hoseok sighed, "I haven't talked to him about it yet."

"Hyung... You know he loves you, right?"

"Of course, I love him too... He just got really sad when it didn't work out the first time. It was really hard on both of us."

"That was a long time ago."

"It was only like four months ago."

"And you guys still haven't put your names back on the adoption list?"

"It's complicated."

"Just talk to him... Seriously, I want a little niece or nephew."

Hoseok sighed again, "I'll talk to him tonight."

Taehyung smiled, "There you go, hyung... Just be honest with him."

"I know..." Hoseok grabbed two plates from the table, "I need to go bring them their food."

"Ok... Try and talk to him again."

"I will..." Hoseok said and walked over to their table, "Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Th-Thank you."

"Can I get you boys anything else?"

"I'm ok, thank you." Yeonjun said with a smile.

"How 'bout you Soobin-ssi? Do you need anything."

"N-No... I-I'm ok."

"Ok..." Hoseok tried to think of something to talk about, "So umm... Do you two go to high school? The one just down the street?"

Soobin was silent as he munched on a fry. Yeonjun looked at him, telling him to respond, "O-Oh... ummm... Y-Yeah."

"Do you know a Park Jimin? He just started working there this year."

"Y-Yeah... H-He's our writing t-teacher."

"My husband works with his fiancé over at the police station."

"R-Really? I-Is his n-name O-Officer Jeon?"

"Yeah... Do you two know him?"

"W-Wow... I-It's a long s-story."

"Well, if you come again, you'll have to tell me about it... I'll let you two eat... Lemme know if you need anything."

"Thank you." Soobin said without stuttering, making his lips curve up into a smile.

Hoseok walked away and Yeonjun was so happy for Soobin, "Soobinnie! Are you kidding me?! That was awesome!"

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