chapter 5

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About a few weeks later, Soobin and Yeonjun are inseparable. They were in their first class of the day, biology, and continued passing notes. Yeonjun wrote first:

Hey... wanna see me compete?

In taekwondo?

Yeah. Today after school. First round of Nationals

Where is it? And what's Nationals?

It's in the gym here. Nationals is probably the most important competition. It has 8 rounds until you get to the finals and the first one is today after school

Why are you inviting me? Shouldn't your family be there instead?

They're coming too... I wanted to invite you. You don't have to come if you don't want to

No no no no no of course I'm coming

You're scared to meet my parents... aren't you

Maybe a tiny bit

I promise they're probably gonna embarrass me more than you. And Kai and TaeTae will be there

I'm kinda shy around new people

If you get anxious just tell me... I'll introduce you before the competition starts

That's just me being a distraction

I promise you'll be fine

How does it work?

There's gonna be so many people. It works like a tournament and then the top ten make it to the next round

How many people?

About fifty in my age group. I'm in the second oldest group, so we go second. Should start around 3:00. The older boys start around 2:15. You can watch them with me before my parents come if you'd like

Yeah of course I'll watch them with you... Where're you ranked?

What do you mean?

Like out of the fifty in your age group. Isn't everyone ranked somewhere?

It doesn't matter

You're first... aren't you



Omg calm down... It's just based off of the belt you have

So you have the highest degree in your age group?


So you're saying you're gonna win?

No not at all... Just because I have more training doesn't mean I'm gonna win

Yeah... But I know you're gonna win

Hehe thanks

Just stating facts

Yeonjun looked up at Soobin and smiled at him before the bell rang.

. . . . .

Yeonjun, Soobin, Taehyun, and Kai were sitting at their table, eating lunch and talking about their day. Jungmin went over to their table, by himself this time, "Well, Soobin... You know the drill."

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and said, "Listen, I thought we figured this out on the first day of school. Back off."

"Yeah I don't think so, you little prick. I wasn't talking to you."

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