chapter 39

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"Ok, Beomgyu... I'm gonna show you a word and I want you to read it back for me. I'll give you about ten seconds to answer before I move onto the next one. If you don't know it, try your best to sound it out."


"You sure you don't want me to leave, beom?" Taehyun asked.

"Please, stay."

Taehyun reached over and held his hand, "Ok."

"Just, please don't help him during the evaluation."

"No problem."

The doctor nodded, "Ok, here's your first word." He said as he held up a piece of paper with 'reverse' written across it.

Beomgyu squinted through his glasses and replied, "Reserve?"

The doctor wrote down something on his clipboard before showing Beomgyu another piece of paper that said 'physiology' on it.

Beomgyu started off slow, "Ph... Psych... Psychology?"

The doctor did the same thing, writing down another note before showing Beomgyu another paper with the next word, 'aficionado'.

"A... Afiction- I mean... Afissi... Afisher-"

The doctor put down the piece of paper after Beomgyu took too long, "Next word..."

It went on like that for the next twenty minutes before Beomgyu started to rub his temples. He got a major headache from reading for too long.

Taehyun noticed, "You ok?"

"Yeah... Sorry... My head just hurts."

"Beomgyu-ssi, there's only one more, ok?"

Beomgyu nodded before the doctor put up another piece of paper with 'aversion' written across it.

Beomgyu stared at it for a second, "Inversion?"

The doctor put the paper down before writing one last note on his clipboard and sighing as he looked back up at Beomgyu, "Are your parents here?

Beomgyu shook his head and said quietly, "Taehyun's the only family I have, sir."

"Can I talk to you in private?"


"He can stay... It's fine... I'm just gonna end up telling him later anyways." Beomgyu said, squeezing Taehyun's hand under the table.

"Ok, well... I need to do an official analysis, but It's more likely than not that you have dyslexia..." Taehyun squeezed Beomgyu's hand under the table, "I probably won't have an official report until tomorrow, and I'm going to need to get in contact with your school and talk to your counselor about setting up a program for you. I'll have to contact your teachers as well and set up a program with each of them... I know this might be a lot right now, so if you have any questions you can feel free to ask me... And if you forget to ask me something, you can call me any time, ok?"

Beomgyu silently nodded as Taehyun rubbed the back of his hand gently. He knew this was coming... so why was he so sad?

. . . . .

Soobin sighed as he walked to his locker, seeing Taehyun, Kai, and Beomgyu there without Yeonjun. He hung his head as he got over to them and Kai rolled his eyes, "Hyung, he just has a cold... Seriously, he's fine."

"Yeah, he wanted to come to school, but our mom wouldn't let him." Taehyun added.

Soobin pouted, "I'm just worried about him."

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