chapter 38

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"Yeonjun, you got something in the mail."

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, "Really? From who?"

"Ummm..." Mr. Choi looked at the envelope, "From the Korean Taekwondo Association."

"Really?..." Yeonjun said as he grabbed the envelope and read who it was from. He hesitantly opened the letter, not really knowing what was going to be inside. He read the first few sentences and laughed, "Is this a prank?"

"Why? What does it say?"

"It's inviting me to the Olympic trials to compete for Korea in taekwondo."

Mr. Choi's eyes widened, "What?! Are you serious?!"

"It's probably just a joke."

"Are you crazy?! Lemme see..." Mr. Choi said and grabbed the letter from Yeonjun, quickly scanning it over, "Look, there's a number at the bottom for any questions... How about I call it to confirm that this is real, ok?"

"Ok, I guess so."

Mr. Choi quickly took his phone out and dialed the number.

hi, you've reached the main line for the korean taekwondo association. how may i help you today?

hi, ummm... my son just got a letter in the mail inviting him to the olympic trials and we just wanted to confirm that this isn't a prank.

what's your son's name sir?

choi yeonjun.

ok, lemme go speak to my supervisor and ask him. he's the one who sends out invitations. please hold.

Soft music started playing through the phone and Mr. Choi said, "This seems for real, Jun."

"I'm not getting my hopes up."

hi, thank you for holding... i'm going to transfer you to my supervisor so he can give you more information about the upcoming olympic trials.

w-wait... so this is real?

yes, sir... please hold while i transfer you.

They heard soft music again and they both looked up at each other with shocked expressions on their faces. Yeonjun gulped and slid his fingers through his hair, knowing that this was completely real.

hello? is this the choi family?

y-yes, sir.

i would just like to confirm that choi yeonjun is a dual citizen.

he is.

well, then i very much look forward to seeing him at the olympic trials. it was incredible watching him win nationals. first boy to go the whole tournament without losing a single match since nineteen ninety-one... absolutely incredible.

w-wow... thank you, sir.

is this choi yeonjun?

y-yes, sir.

oh my goodness, i'm a huge fan of yours.


yes! i still replay that final match from nationals on my computer. it impressed me so much how you defeated a boy that was a belt higher than you while staying calm and collected the entire time. it was amazing.

thank you, sir... that's very nice of you

i would like to take you and your family out to dinner sometime to get to know you a little better before the trials. is that alright?

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