chapter 6

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"I'm telling you, Soobin. It's the truth."

"I don't believe it."

"What's wrong with mint choco ice cream?"

"Literally everything about it."

"Ugh..." Yeonjun turned to Kai, "Kai, back me up please?"

"Yeah... I'm not getting in the middle of this argument." Kai said and took another bite of his sandwich.

Yeonjun pouted, "Kai... C'mon... Pl—"

"Hey, new kid."

The four of them turned to the unfamiliar voice, seeing a girl casually taking a seat next to Yeonjun. Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, "I'm sorry to be blunt, but I have no idea who you are."

The girl smirked, "Wanna go find out in the janitor's closet?"

Yeonjun's eyes widened as he looked at Taehyun and Kai for help. Yeonjun has always been bad at rejecting people, especially girls. He found it weird how a lot of girls had asked him to go on a date or to have sex with them at this school, probably because he's new.

"Hey... I'm sorry, but just leave him alone, ok?" Taehyun said politely to try and help Yeonjun.

The girl grunted, "I wasn't talking to you, now was I? Fuck off."

"Can you please not talk to my little brother like that?" Yeonjun said, always being defensive and protective of his little brothers.

"Why do you play hard to get with every girl in this school? I know like ten people who've asked you out."

Yeonjun avoided her eyes, "I'm not interested." stating simply so he didn't have to be too specific.

"What? You have a girlfriend back in America or something? C'mon... she's not worth it."

"What? No, I don't."

"Then what the fuck is your problem?"

Yeonjun was about to speak, but stopped when he felt a hand slide up to his shoulder, wrapping around his upper body, "I-If he says h-he's not interested, th-then he's n-not interested."

The girl just laughed, "Soobin, you're such a fucking joke to everyone here."

"Hey, don't talk to him like that." Yeonjun said, defending Soobin after Soobin just stood up for him.

The girl rolled her eyes, "Just tell me why you reject everyone."

Yeonjun gulped, instantly feeling uncomfortable as he tried to think of excuse without exposing himself.

Kai noticed and quickly said, "Listen... He's not trying to offend you, ok? Can you please just leave him alone."

The girl looked over at Kai, clearly annoyed, "Once again, I didn't ask you."

Yeonjun felt Soobin squeeze his shoulder. He couldn't tell if it was Soobin making sure he was alright, or if Soobin was getting angry, but he had to say something, "It's not you, ok?... It's me... It's just a personal thing."

"What? You abstinent or something? How can any teenage boy not want to have sex when a girl is literally asking for it?"

Yeonjun sighed, he knew he couldn't keep having these encounters, "I don't want a girl to come up and ask me." Yeonjun said boldly, making Taehyun and Kai stare at him with wide eyes, even though they already knew.

Yeonjun is terrible at coming out, especially to random people, which is usually why he tries to avoid it at all costs. He just doesn't want his sexuality to define him, but he can't lie about it anymore. Technically, he hasn't lied, he just hasn't been saying the full truth.

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