epologue: grown up

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Yeonjun drove to Kara's school, turning his head and smiling when Kara came inside the car, "Hey, sweetheart... How was school?"

"Kinda boring... But nothing bad happened."

Yeonjun started driving away as he asked, "How was your math test?"

"I think I did ok... Thanks for helping me study."

"Of course, Kar... Anytime."

"How was the doctor's office?"

Yeonjun sighed, "Your Appa is gonna freak out..."

Kara furrowed her eyebrows, "What happened?"

"I have a cyst in my wrist and I need to get it removed."

"Oh, ok... You're ok, though, right?"

"Yes, of course sweetheart... I'm perfectly fine."

"Then why's Appa gonna freak out?"

"Because I have to get surgery for it."

"Ohhhhh... Yeah, he's gonna freak out."

"I love him and I'm glad he cares about me... But he worries like it's the end of the world."

Kara reached over, patting Yeonjun's shoulder as she said, "Good luck, Dad."

"Thanks, Kar." Yeonjun said before there was a comfortable silence between them for a few minutes.

Kara broke the silence, "Dad?"


"Ummm... Can I go to a party tonight?"

Yeonjun raised his eyebrow, looking over at her as he stopped at a stoplight, "Can I have a little more context?"

"Umm... Jason invited me. It's because they won their basketball game. It's at one of his teammate's house's."

"Will there be alcohol at this party?"

"I-I don't know."

Yeonjun sighed as he started driving forward again, "Listen, Kar, you're seventeen and you've never asked to go to a party before... But it's high school. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I promise, I'll be fine... Pleeeeaaassseee?"

Yeonjun sighed, "Let's talk to Appa about it when we get home, ok?"


. . . . .

"Juniiiieeeee~" Soobin sang as he saw Yeonjun walk in through the front door.

Yeonjun smiled as Kara walked in behind him, "Hey, bin."

Soobin turned around from the stove, walking over to the both of them, "How was school, Kar?"

"Good... I-I wanna ask you something."

"Of course, what's up?"

"Can I umm... Th-There's a party happening tonight and I wanted to go."

Soobin raised an eyebrow, "Party?"

"Yeah... The boy's basketball team won today so Yingi and I wanted to go... I think Uncle TaeTae said she could go already."

Soobin sighed, "I'm guessing no parents at this party?"

"Ummm... I really don't know, Appa."

Yeonjun saw the worry in Soobin's eyes, "Binnie, just say what you're thinking... I know that look."

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