chapter 15

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Soobin passed a note to Yeonjun in biology:

I'm nervous


Meeting your parents

You know you've met them before... multiple times actually

Not as your boyfriend

You know they already love you. They talk about you all the time

Do they say good things?

Yes of course... Take a breath ok?

Omg... I forgot your grandmother's gonna be there... Oh no

Bin, you're gonna be fine I promise. I already told her we're dating and she's really sweet

I've been practicing my english for your dad and I can help your mom cook and everything

Wow... ok I have to admit that you're adorable, but you need to calm down because you're gonna be fine

How do you know that?

Because I know you and you're cute... Trust me, I bet you my grandma will say you're adorable at least 10 times tonight

I'm still nervous

The bell rang before Yeonjun could pass another note. They both packed up their stuff and Yeonjun softly said, "Bin?"

Soobin slung his backpack over his shoulder and turned to Yeonjun, still trying to avoid eye contact with him. Yeonjun gently placed his hands on Soobin's chest, "Hey, look at me real quick."

Soobin sighed and looked at Yeonjun, "You're gonna be fine... The only person you haven't met is my grandma and my parents say great things about you. I'm honestly more worried about Beomgyu, since he hasn't met anyone yet."

Soobin smiled softly and looked down at his feet.

Yeonjun gently said, "Don't worry... And if you ever get anxious, just hold my hand, ok?"

"Thank you."

"I got you, bin... Let's get to class, yeah?"

. . . . .

Yeonjun rushed to the door after hearing the door bell ring. He quickly opened it, smiling when he saw Soobin. He was wearing a light pink, short-sleeve, collared polo shirt with black jeans and the same black vans he wears every day. Soobin held onto a bouquet of flowers as he smiled back at Yeonjun.

Yeonjun said, "Hey." as he leaned in for a kiss, which Soobin happily returned.

"H-Hey ummm... I-Is this outfit ok? Y-You said casual, b-but then I thought I should wear something nice a-and then I started to over think it a-and it took me like twenty minutes to pick this out and—"

"Hey, you look perfect. I love this color on you... It's super cute."

Soobin softly smiled and replied, "Thank you... Oh, a-and these are for your mom."

"You're adorable... Come in, bin."

Yeonjun moved away from the door frame so Soobin could come inside. Yeonjun gently grabbed his hand and led him into the kitchen where Mrs. Choi was cooking, "Mom?"

Mrs. Choi looked up from the stove after hearing Yeonjun and smiled when she saw Soobin, "Hi, Soobin-ssi. How are you?"

"I-I'm good, thank you... Th-These are for you."

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