chapter 2

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Yeonjun was standing at the entrance to the cafeteria with Taehyun and Kai next to him, trying to find Soobin in the crowd.

"Who are we looking for again?" Taehyun asked in English, since that's the language they were most comfortable talking to each other in.

"He has jet black hair and two little dimples... The same guy I ran into this morning."

"Really? You two became friends?" Kai asked.

"Yeah, kinda... He's a bit shy, so don't be too overwhelming, ok?"

"I'm not overwhelming." Taehyun said.

Yeonjun turned to Taehyun and said, "I know... I was talking to Kai." before trying to find Soobin again.

Kai hesitated for a moment before saying, "I honestly don't even have a comeback."

Yeonjun smiled at Kai and ruffled his hair, "It's ok, Kai... You're funny and you have cuteness on your side."

Yeonjun scanned the cafeteria again and finally found Soobin, sitting by himself at a table, far from everyone else, "There he is... C'mon."

The three brothers made their way over towards Soobin as he sketched something in his notebook. Yeonjun and Soobin made eye contact, and Yeonjun smiled and waved to him. Soobin hesitantly waved to Yeonjun, wondering who the two younger boys were following him.

Yeonjun sat down next to Soobin while Kai and Taehyun sat next to each other across the table, "Hey, Soobin... These are my little brothers, Kai and Taehyun... They're new here too."

"H-Hi, i-it's nice to m-meet you." Soobin said and bowed to them.

"Jun, why is he bowing to me? Am I supposed to do it back to him?" Kai asked in English so that Soobin wouldn't understand what they're saying.

Yeonjun rolled his eyes and said, "Do you not remember what mom told us? You're supposed to bow to people... It's polite."

"What?! I haven't been bowing to anyone the whole day and you're telling me this now?!" Kai said.

"Have you not noticed how I've been bowing to all of our teachers?" Taehyun said.

Soobin laughed a little and interrupted their conversation, "J-Just so y-you are aware, I t-takeu Engalish five years... I-I am not g-great, b-but I understandeu w-what you s-say." speaking slowly in broken English.

Yeonjun laughed and asked in Korean, "So you knew what we were talking about the whole time?"

"Y-Yeah... Kai-ssi w-was confused when I bowed t-to him. A-And then you got f-frustrated th-that he didn't listen t-to your m-mom. A-And he said he hasn't b-been bowing to people th-the whole day. T-Taehyun-ssi made me laugh w-when he said he's been b-bowing to all the t-teachers and K-Kai-ssi hasn't n-noticed."

Kai's eyes widened and he said, "Does everyone here know English?! Tae and I have been talking to each other in English the whole day so that nobody will know what we're saying."

"N-Not everyone d-does... N-Not many people c-continue taking the class after the f-first year... Th-This is my sixth y-year taking-" Soobin's little smile instantly went away when he saw Jungmin coming over to their table, "Oh, ummm... Y-You guys sh-should leave."

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows and replied, "What? Why?"

"Ah... Choi Soobin. New year, same us, huh?" Jungmin said with a smirk as him and his friends got to their table, "You have friends, dipshit?"

"C-Can you n-not do th-this, p-please?" Soobin asked nervously, making the three brothers confused.

"C'mon, you know the drill..." Jungmin held his hand out, "Lunch money... now."

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