epilogue: crash

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Everything happened so fast...

Soobin was just driving to the grocery store. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? He was just trying to make a left turn. Nothing out of the ordinary, right? He had the right of way and he didn't see the speeding car coming closer and closer... Well, until it was way too late.

That's how he found himself pinned inside his car, head pounding and pain going through his entire body. He screamed when he tried to move, feeling his arm stuck in between his seat and the door while the seatbelt was tight around his torso. He didn't know what to do as he started to breathe heavy, looking around the car for something to help him.

He saw his phone in the cupholder, now cracked, but maybe it still worked. He screamed in agony as he reached out to grab it and put it on his lap. He pressed the home button, thanking everything that his phone still worked as he typed in his passcode. The tears started streaming down his face from the overwhelming pain as he typed on the keypad, shock starting to set in as his hand shook. Not having to think twice, he immediately called Yeonjun instead of an ambulance.


hey, baby... did you forget the grocery list again?

i-i'm stuck in th-thehnngh... c-car.

what?... you sound hurt, bin. is everything ok?

i-i got hit.

what?! oh my god!!... i'm coming right now, ok?... w-where are you?

i-i c-can'tahh... m-move.

bin, did you call for an ambulance?!

i-i hear th-the sirens.

ok... baby, i'm coming, ok? just take deep breaths.

d-do you s-see th-that light t-too?

soobin?! hey, just keep talking to me, ok?

i-i love y-you, j-jun... d-don't forget th-that.

choi soobin! we are not saying goodbye right now!




choi soobin!!


*sniff* bin! please, i love you so much... talk to me.



. . . . .

"Where is he?!"

"Mr. Choi—"

"Tell me where he is!"

"S-Sir, he's in the intensive care unit... Nobody's allowed t—"

"He's my husband! You're telling me I can't see my husband!?"

The receptionist frantically looked around the waiting room, seeing everyone staring at them, "S-Sir, you have to wait at least thirty minutes after surgery—"

"Why?! He's my husband!!"

"Yeonjun!..." Kai said as he ran over to Yeonjun and stood in front of him, "Let's just go sit down, ok?"

Yeonjun gritted his teeth, "Kai, get out of my way."

"I'm mad too, ok? Just calm down, please."

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