chapter 17

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"P-Please... I-I n-need help."

Yeonjun and Soobin scanned Beomgyu: his right eye was almost swollen shut with a crack in the lens of his glasses. He clutched onto his right arm, which was slightly bent in the middle of his forearm. They noticed the duffel bag he had slung over his shoulder and the blood splatters on his school uniform.

"How did you—... What happened?" Yeonjun asked worriedly.

"I-I think I b-broke m-my arm a-and my p-parents kicked m-me out a-and I-I didn't know w-where to go a-and—"

"Ok, ok, ok... Come sit..." Yeonjun said and put his arms out to help Beomgyu inside, "You did the right thing coming here, ok?"

Soobin reached his arm out, "Lemme take this, ok?" He grabbed the strap from Beomgyu's duffel bag and took it off his shoulder before placing it next to the couch. Beomgyu limped inside and sat down on the couch, wincing in pain as he continued to hold onto his arm.

"Don't worry, ok? I'm gonna go get TaeTae and I'll get some stuff for your arm..." Yeonjun turned to Soobin, "Bin? Can you just keep an eye on him for a sec?"

"Yeah, I got him." Soobin replied and Yeonjun instantly ran up the stairs.

Beomgyu started to breathe heavier and Soobin calmly said, "Deep breaths, ok? Everything's gonna be alright."

"I-I messed u-up... e-everything." Beomgyu replied as he took a few breaths in the middle of his sentence.

"Ok, ok, ok... Beomgyu, I'm gonna need you to slow d—" Soobin turned his head when he heard Taehyun rushing down the stairs.

"Oh my god, what the fuck happened?!!" Taehyun said as he hurried down the stairs and came over to the couch.

"H-He's about to have a panic attack."

Taehyun instantly cupped Beomgyu's cheeks and softly said, "ssssshhhhh... Slow down, ok?... Deep breaths."

Yeonjun ran back down the stairs with his dad behind him, carrying a box full of medical supplies.

Soobin moved out of the way and let Mr. Choi take his spot, "Ok... Hey, Beomgyu... I'm gonna need to take you to the hospital, ok?"

Fresh tears streamed down Beomgyu's face as he said, "I-It h-hurts."

"I know, ok? They're gonna fix you up I promise... I'm just gonna put a split on it so that it doesn't move until a doctor can take a look at it..." Beomgyu nodded and Mr. Choi put a splint on his arm in a matter of minutes, "Ok... Tae? Can you grab him some ice for his eye and meet me in the car?"

"Yeah." Taehyun ran into the kitchen, rummaging through the freezer to find an ice pack.

Mr. Choi sighed, "Ok, I'll help him to the car... Yeonjun, can you find mom and tell her what's going on, please?"

"Yeah, no problem." Yeonjun said as his dad helped Beomgyu up from the couch.

Beomgyu limped out of the house and Yeonjun stopped Taehyun when he ran towards the door, "TaeTae, text me what happens, ok?"

"I will." Taehyun said and ran out the door.

Yeonjun let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding in as he ran his fingers through his hair, "Shit..."

"I hope he's alright... He didn't look so good." Soobin replied with a sigh.

"I-I gotta go talk to my mom..." Yeonjun said before quickly running upstairs again and coming back down a few minutes later, "Ok... She's gonna call my dad later."

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