epilogue: letter

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Yeonjun and Soobin both woke up, hearing their daughter crying through the baby monitor. Yeonjun sat up and pulled the blankets off of him, "I'll go get her, ok?"

"Jun, you went last time." Soobin said in a raspy voice.

"You have to wake up early... I got her... Go back to bed, bin." Yeonjun softly said as he got up from their bed and rushed to Kara's room.

Soobin just sighed and plopped his head back down on the pillow.

"Hey, Kara... What's wrong?"

Soobin smiled when he heard his husband through the baby monitor.

"Come here, sweetie... ssshhhhh... Everything's ok, I promise... sssshhhh... Lemme check your diaper, ok?"

Soobin rolled over, looking at the baby monitor as he continued to listen.

"Do you wanna eat something?... Let's go try to eat something, ok?... ssssshhhh... You're ok, sweetheart... Everything's ok..."

Soobin heard Yeonjun and Kara's voices fade out and he took the blankets off of him. He got out of bed and made his way to the kitchen. He stopped and smiled when he saw Yeonjun swaying side to side as he fed their daughter in his arms.

"It's ok... I get like that when I'm hungry too... I got you, ok? Don't worry, sweetie... Midnight snacks are the best..." Yeonjun leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Is it yummy?"

Soobin smiled softly, "Babe?"

Yeonjun turned around and saw his husband walking over to them, "Bin, I got her, ok? You have to wake up in a few hours and—"

"ssssshhhhh..." Soobin said as he moved closer to them, leaning forward to give Yeonjun a gentle kiss, "We're in this together, ok? I love you."

Yeonjun smiled, "I love you too, bin."

"When she's done, I'll write it down in the food log."

"Thank you, bin... She was just hungry, I think."

"She didn't have anything in her diaper?"


Soobin smiled and leaned down to give Kara a kiss on her forehead, "She's so cute... Always worth waking up for."

"I know... I love seeing her adorable little face."



"I'll get her next time, ok?"

Yeonjun smiled and leaned forward to kiss Soobin, "Ok, babe..." Yeonjun looked down at Kara, noticing how she was done drinking from her bottle. Yeonjun took it away and placed it on the counter, "You ok, sweetheart?"

Yeonjun lifted her up to burp her, gently patting her back as Soobin wrote down how much she drank in the log, "Dang... She drank half the bottle... How'd all that fit in her tiny tummy?"

"I don't know, but it makes me wanna give her a high-five."

Soobin laughed a little as he finished writing down everything in the log. He closed the notebook and walked over to Yeonjun, hugging him from the side and resting his head on Yeonjun's shoulder, "You're such a great dad, Jun."

"You didn't say that right... We're great dads, bin."

Soobin smiled and lifted his head up to give Yeonjun a kiss on his cheek, "I literally just fell more in love with you."

"Awwww, binnie..." Yeonjun said as Soobin nuzzled his head into the crook of Yeonjun's neck, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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