chapter 25

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Soobin smiled as he walked into the library, the peacefulness and quietness was always so soothing to him. He let go of Yeonjun's hand when he saw the librarian wave to him from behind her desk, putting her book down in the process, "Soobin-ssi! How are you?"

Soobin cutely jogged over to her, "I'm good, Mrs. Lee... How are you?"

Yeonjun smiled softly as he caught up with his boyfriend, who was talking to the older woman behind the counter with a huge smile on his face.

"I'm about half-way through my new romance novel... It just came in yesterday and I already can't put it down."

"Is it another one of the clichés?"

"They're good! You should read one sometime."

"I'll think about it." Soobin laughed out.

Mrs. Lee looked over Soobin's shoulder, "Hi, I'm sorry... Do you need help finding anything, sir?"

"Oh, no... I'm here with Soobinnie."

"Oh my goodness... Are you Yeonjun?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Mrs. Lee reached her hand out, "It's so nice to finally meet you."

Yeonjun shook her hand and bowed a few times, "Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Lee."

They both pulled their hands away and Mrs. Lee asked, "How are you?"

"I'm good, ma'am. How are you?"

"I'm great, thank you."

"Mrs. Lee?" Soobin asked.


"How's your granddaughter doing?"

"Oh, she's doing great... Cutest baby I've ever seen. She's such a little angel."

"She's home now, yeah?"

"Yes... Oh my goodness, that was so scary... She loves the little bear you got her."

"Awwww... I'm glad." Soobin said with a bright smile on his face.

"What happened? I-If you don't mind me asking." Yeonjun said.

"No, it's ok... My granddaughter was born last week, but there were some complications, so she was in the hospital for a few extra days."

"Oh my goodness... Is she ok?"

"Yes, yes... She's good now."

"Oh, good... Well, congratulations, ma'am."

Mrs. Lee gave Yeonjun a smile before turning back to Soobin, "Soobin-ssi, I put some books aside for you. Some of them just came in day and I think there's one you're really gonna like."

Soobin smiled wide and almost jumped up and down from excitement, "Really?!"

"Yes, of course... C'mon..." Mrs. Lee said and walked out from behind her desk, leading Soobin and Yeonjun to a cart near the back of the library. She started looking through the books on the cart and pulled a few out, "So there's one about the shift of farming technology over time... The next one is about the transition from small organic farming to mass business farming... And this last one, which I think you're gonna like, is called: The Secret Life of Plants. It's about the behind the scenes that most people don't know about the produce they buy."

(A/N: just a note... i have no idea if that's a real book and i completely made that up haha)
(A/N: i just looked it up... it's actually a book, but i'm gonna keep the thing i made up)

Soobin gasped and grabbed the book, "Oh my gosh, I love it!!" He said as he turned the book over to start to read the back.

Yeonjun smiled wide and kissed Soobin's cheek, "You're so cute, bin."

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