chapter 14

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"Taehyun-ah? Is that you?"

The muffled sobs instantly went quiet as Soobin moved closer to the closed stall, "Hey, it's ok... It's just Soobinnie-hyung."

Soobin could only hear sniffles coming from the other side of the door, "You can talk to me, ok? I'm not gonna judge."

It was silent for a moment before Taehyun replied, "I-It's stupid, h-hyung."

"It's not stupid if it's making you cry... You can tell me, ok?"

Taehyun hesitated for a moment before replying, "I-I j-just... I-I keep over th-thinking everything."

"What is it that you're over thinking?"

"W-What Jungmin s-said."

"Taehyun, he's a jerk... Trust me, I've had to deal with him for years. You can't take anything he says literally."

"B-But i-it's not j-just that."

"What else?... You can tell me, it's ok."

"I-I'm worried a-about Beomgyu."

"What about him?"

"Y-You saw how h-he was a-about t-to fight h-him... I-I don't w-want him t-to get hurt j-just b-because of m-me."

"He was just trying to protect you... And you know Yeonjunie wouldn't have let him get hurt."

"I-I don't w-want him getting m-more h-hurt than he already i-is... H-He already g-gets h-hit by h-his parents."

"Wait, what?"

"Oh, shit... I-I w-wasn't supposed to s-say that..."

"Hey, it's ok... I promise I won't say anything... Why doesn't he go to the police?"

"H-He's scared th-that n-nobody will l-listen a-and he w-won't have a p-place to s-stay... B-But I-I'm scared for h-his safety a-and I-I d-don't want h-him to die... H-He c-can't d-die h-hyung..." Taehyun choked at the last sentence and started sobbing again.

"Hey, hey, hey... Just slow down, ok? Nobody's dying... Here, lemme come in real quick, ok?"

Taehyun stood up and unlocked the stall door, letting Soobin inside. Soobin locked the door behind him and saw Taehyun bury his face in his hands, "H-He can't d-die."

Soobin instantly hugged him, letting Taehyun cry on his sweater vest, "I know, ok? He's not going anywhere... Just slow down... ssssshhhhh... Deep breaths, ok?"

"I-I'm t-too s-scared to t-tell m-my p-parents that I'm... I-I'm... I-I..." Taehyun stuttered out as he continued to sob.

Soobin rubbed his back in an effort to help him feel better, "You don't have to say it, ok? I understand... sssshhhh... Deep breaths... ssssshhhh... It's ok... It'll be alright."

(A/N: ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!!! ooOOOooooOOooooOO ALRIGHT!... i'm so sorry)

Taehyun went silent again when he heard someone else come into the bathroom. Soobin hugged him closer to make sure he was ok.

"Bin? Are you in here?"

Soobin sighed in relief that it was Yeonjun, "Yeah, I'm in here."

"You ok? You've been gone for a while... Are you sick?"

"Ummm... One sec..." Soobin looked down at Taehyun and whispered to him, "Do you want Yeonjunie to come in?"

Taehyun nodded against Soobin's chest and Soobin instantly unlocked the stall door. Yeonjun was confused, but his eyes widened when he saw Taehyun. He quickly came inside and locked the door behind him. He hugged Taehyun from behind and softly said, "Hey, TaeTae... What happened?"

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