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The first few chapters take place prior to Zuko's banishment. You will be able to tell when the story returns back to the normal time frame of ATLA, but I will also clarify just so know one is confused.


"But gramma, why do you teach me waterbending if it's too dangerous?" Bai curiously questions her grandmother. "You and papa always tell me to be careful with my bending so why should I even practice?"

Gramma smiles at her curious granddaughter and put her arms down, letting the water fall down as well. She sinks to the ground so she can be eye level with Bai before answering her question.

"Bai, you have a gift. Not everyone has the gift, you know? Bending is who you are, and it is your duty to practice bending so you can share your gift with the world. You have the ability to bring something beautiful to this world. I know we tell you that you can't bend everywhere, and that it seems like we don't want to see you grow but that's not the case. We only tell you to be careful to protect you."

"W-why would I need protecting?" Bai questioned, growing nervous with every passing second. "Would something happen to me if people knew the truth about me?"

Gramma sighs, looking down at the floor. She doesn't want to tell her child the truth. Yes, if the Fire Nation found the truth about Bai, there's no telling what would happen to her sweet. However, she will not scare this child. She doesn't her child to fear the world at only 11 years old.

"No, Bai," Gramma started. "People all over this city would just get so scared because they know that my sweet could totally destroy them with your waterbending."

Bai lets out a small sigh of relief. She would hate for something to happen to her only because she's different. Who knows that they would do to her? Worse than that, to her grandparents? Although, she thinks of them as her real parents, considering she doesn't know her biological parents. Bai's parents abandoned her as an infant. They were scared of raising a child in the Fire Nation. They knew how cruel the Fire Nation could be, and they couldn't bare the thought of raising a sweet, pure child in a terrifying nation. So, they ran off without leaving any traces. Bai could see her parent's reasoning a little, but it doesn't change the fact that it hurts any less.

Thankfully, Bai's grandparents stepped up to raise her. There's not a single day that passes where Bai isn't grateful for their kindness. She hopes that she can return it back one day.

"Gramma, do you really mean that? You think I could take on firebenders?" The young girl questioned with a twinkle in her eyes.

Gramma laughed at her sweet. She loves the innocence she carries. Never change dear, she thinks to herself.

"Why, yes my sweet! I know you could take any 'ole firebender. However, there might be a force even stronger than your waterbending."

Bai pouts with defeat. Gramma taught her everything she knew, and she thinks Gramma is the best waterbender in the world! And she's the lucky student who's being taught by Gramma! How could someone be better than Gramma?

"What?! What's stronger than my bending?" Bai asks.

Gramma gives Bai a sly smile.

Oh no, Bai thinks to herself.

"I think you know, Bai." Gramma hums, lifting her hands up.

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