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It had been one year since Gramma had abandoned the Shang family. It was an incident that changed Yao and Bai forever. Their lives were so different now that Ming left.

Bai tried to keep her optimistic attitude for her Papa's sake. Yao started to act differently when Ming left. He didn't smile anymore, and he didn't talk unless it was absolutely necessary. He would never tell it, but Yao was hurting deeply. He understood why Ming wanted to leave, but he couldn't help but feel betrayed. He risked everything for her just to have her leave him. But, deep down, he knew what she needed. It just hurt him knowing he wasn't enough for his wife.

During this hard time, Bai began working at the palace full time. As Firelord Ozai said, he believed there was nothing holding Bai back from working. It was true, but it hurt Bai knowing he didn't even considered how she was feeling. But, he's the firelord; what is she to do?

Bai began taking on more tasks at the palace. She was still Zuko's and Azula's personal servant, but she also began to take on more duties. It felt a little overwhelming at times, but there was one person that kept her sane through it all.


Zuko had been Bai's rock during her time of hardship. No matter how many times she told him to leaver her alone or that she was fine, Zuko was always there for Bai. Even though she's never told him, Bai is grateful for Zuko's encouragement and support. He helped find the light during such a dark place in life.


"Hey, are you crying?"

Bai lifted her head from her lap to see Zuko was standing over her.

"I-I um.... yeah. But don't worry about it." Bai mumbled. The last thing she wants right mow is Zuko to see her like thus- a crying, blotchy mess.

Zuko felt a piece of his heart break seeing Bai like this. He's always seen her happy and radiate. So, it's so hard seeing her so broken. Especially, when he knows the same kind of brokenness she's feeling.

When his father told him what happened, Zuko felt sick to his stomach. Memories of his own mother disappearing flooded his mind again. The pain of loosing a family member is unbearable and is so hard to heal from. You may never heal from it. Zuko knew exactly what Bai was feeling. He wanted to see her immediately. He bolted to the garden because he knew how much Bai loved it there. If she was anywhere, she'd be there.

And Zuko was right. He wanted nothing more in that moment to take away the pain he knew she was feeling.

Zuko didn't say anything. He figured that Bai didn't want to talk about what happened. Instead, he sat down beside her- not leaving until she does.

The two sat in peaceful silence until Bai broke it.

"Thank you."

She leaned towards Zuko, resting her head on his shoulder. Zuko felt his heart racing. Bai started smiling because she could feel it too. She's learned Zuko has a hard time receiving affection. But, he's learning that he doesn't mind it- as long as it's from Bai.

The two sat there like that for hours. The world didn't exist in that moment. It was only Zuko and Bai.


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