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Bai rose from the ground, clutching the back of her head; it felt as if an earthbender blasted her in the back of the head. She felt dizzy and weak. Everything around her looked bleak and dark. She couldn't make out where she was or who was speaking to her.

Suddenly, a beam of light came out of no where. She could see Aang, Katara, and Sokka. She tried running towards them, but she couldn't move. Her hands were chained making it impossible for her to move very far.

"Why did you do it!" Katara screamed.

"What? What are you talking about?" Bai questioned.

"You betrayed us! We're your family." Sokka bellowed.

"I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!"

"You lied to us. You really hurt us." Aang uttered.

"Guys! Please! Let me explain!" Bai cried, hot tears spilling from her eyes.

"You will pay..." 

The trio pointed to the inky blackness behind Bai. She turned around, but still couldn't make anything out with how dizzy she felt and how dark it was. Suddenly, a figure crept out of the shadows. The only thing Bai could see were the mighty fire daggers.

"Please... please don't!" Bai cried.

"Suffering will be your teacher..."


"Bai! Bai! Wake up!" Sokka shouted.

"What! No! Leave me alone!" Bai screamed.

"Hey! Hey! It's just me; it's Sokka." He hushed.

Bai looked around and only saw the stars in the sky. It must've been in the middle of the night, but they were still flying so they could make good time. She left out a sigh of relief. She realized she was only having a nightmare- another one. She's been having them more and more lately. Ever since the Zuko and his crew attacked the Southern Water Tribe, she ends up having the same occurring dream; her friends berate her and then some mysterious figure tries to use their firebending ability to harm her. She used to have dreams similar to that when she first got banished from the Fire Nation, after Zuko betrayed her. It stopped when she made it to the South Pole, but they've started back up again.

"Are you okay, Bai?" Katara inquired.

"Yeah... I'm okay. I guess I had another nightmare..." Bai answered.

"You've been having more and more of those lately." Aang pointed out.

"Yeah. We're just getting worried." Sokka joined.

In that moment, Bai felt her heart swell. She was truly lucky to have friends that cared for that much. They really were like her family. Maybe she could tell them what's going on.

"I know guys. I don't mean to worry you guys... or wake you. I guess I'm just a bit shaken up from the fight with um, that guy from the Fire Nation."

"That's understandable. War is scary. And the sad thing is no one is exempt from it." Sokka said, with a scowl on his face.

"Yeah, at least we made it this long without having to fight." Katara spoke.

"Now, we're all in the middle of it now. Especially with Aang on our side! Boy, does that ever get scary? Have the fate of the world in your hands?"

"Sokka!" his sister sneered.

"What? Oh... too much?"

Bai rolled her eyes; Sokka was loyal for sure, but was very often socially unaware.  She put her hand on Aang's shoulder to try to relax him.

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