IX || Book One ||

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It had been two years since Bai's banishment. When Bai was banished, she thought that her life was over. She thought everything and everyone she ever loved was snatched away from her. But she was wrong. Everyone in the village was so loving and compassionate and to Bai's surprise, welcomed her with open arms.

She met Katara and Sokka, whom she considers to be her bestfriends. Sokka always keeps Bai laughing while Katara keeps everyone held together and carries a very motherly attitude. She adores them dearly and couldn't imagine life without them.

And if I never had been banished, I'd never would've met them!

Bai also reunited and reconnected with her Gramma! Gramma showed her all kind of new skills like basket weaving and cooking. Gramma tried teaching her more waterbending skills, but Bai refused. It was too painful.


"Are you being serious?!" Gramma shouted.

"Deadly." Bai said coldly.

"How hard did you hit your head on that ice, Bai?"

"Gramma, please just-"

"How could you do this Bai?! Waterbending is an ancient art to our culture. You've been blessed with a gift! Besides, Katara wants a waterbending teacher, and I think you'd be perfect!"

Bai rolled her eyes. Her "gift" had costed her everything. It was more like a curse.

"Gramma, please understand that it's nothing personal. I still think bending is important, but it's just not the life for me. Besides, you're a wonderful waterbender, you teach Katara."

"But Bai! It's who you are!"

"No! It's who I was! It has made me loose everything and everyone. It's not worth it."


But despite the pain of the past, Bai finally feels content and at peace. Her life finally felt right.

But, of course, there was still him.

Even though she's moved on from her old life, there's one person that she can't forget about. And to be honest, she's not sure she wants to forget.


He put Bai through hell and caused her life to go into shambles. But at the same time, he's still the best person Bai's ever meet. Despite betraying her, Bai couldn't help but still think about Zuko. However, Bai tries to forget about him. Because even though she thinks about Zuko, she has all ideas that Zuko hasn't thought of her once. He's probably living it up in the palace and has Mai by his side. And if Zuko is happy, then Bai is happy.

Even though I'm not the one making you happy anymore.


Bai looked up and saw Gran-Gran and Gramma walking towards her. She was in the middle of chores so seeing the two was a relief.

"Hi Gramma and Gran- Gran!" Bai smiled. "What are you two up to?"

"Well, we were just walking around the village. We were looking for Sokka and Katara. You haven't happened to see them, have you?" Gramma asked.

"No, I'm sorry I haven't. I think Sokka said something about fishing."

"Ugh! Those two kids. I told them to wait to fish until after they finished their chores!" Gram-Gran shouted.

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