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"Bai, your grandfather is looking for you. I can take you to him." Leang offered , interrupting Zuko and Bai from their conversation.

Bai looked up and noticed how the sky was turning orange and pink. Zuko and Bai spent most of the afternoon in the royal courtyard. Bai told Zuko how she thought the courtyard looked so pretty the night of Azula's party. So, he decided to give her a closer look. Yes, he may have been trying to impress her, but what was he suppose to do? Their afternoon with filled with such fun activities like playing games, asking questions about each other, and feeding the turtle ducks. That was actually Bai's favorite part; they're so cute! So, it made her disappointed knowing her day with Zuko had come to an end. She knows she spent all day with Zuko, but it still didn't feel enough. She wishes she could've spent a little bit more time. But there's always tomorrow, right?

"Oh, okay." Bai pouted.

Zuko couldn't help but to have the same pout Bai did. He wishes she didn't have to leave. He loved having her around.

Bai rose to her feet and walked to Leang. But before she made it, she felt a certain young prince grab her sleeve.


"Yes, prince Zuko?"

"Um... I will see you tomorrow. And... I had fun today."

Bai felt her heart swell and her tummy do a round of flips. It made her happy knowing that the feeling was mutual.

"As did I, prince Zuko." Bai said, bowing.

Bai felt Leang's hand softly grabbing her own. She knew it was time for her to leave. Besides, Papa was waiting for her. Bai waved one more goodbye to the prince before she was completely out of Zuko's sight.

As Leang and Bai walked to the front of the palace, Bai couldn't help but to smile. She had a wonderful time with Zuko. She thought about how sweet and understanding he was to her. Even if she would say something boring, he'd act like it was the most interesting thing he's ever listened to; He was totally focused in on everything she was saying.


"So, you've never traveled outside of the kingdom before?" Zuko asked.

The truth was Bai's family couldn't because Ming didn't feel safe leaving her home unless it was absolutely necessary. Both Yao and Ming feared that people would gaze upon Ming and know she is of Water Tribe decent. The Fire Nation heard the rumors of a waterbender escaping prison easily, and the couple didn't want to draw any unwanted attention. It would be awful for Ming and Yao if they knew the truth.

But of course, Bai makes up a random excuse. She couldn't tell Zuko this. Although, she believes she could. She knows he'd keep a secret; he says he's very good. But she didn't want to even go down that path.

"Nope! My Papa is very dedicated to work, and it's hard to travel with my Gramma."

"Oh... I'm sorry about that."

"It's okay," Bai cheered. "I like it here!"

"Well, maybe... nevermind."


"No, it's stupid." Zuko said. How could he even mention it to Bai!

"No! Tell me."

"Well," Zuko started nervously. "Maybe one day we could go to Ember Island. It's a really fun place! My family used to go all the time!"

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