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"Bai, my sweet, Bai. It's so good to see you!" Ming cheered.

Bai could only smile softly at her Gramma. Of course, she was happy to see her Gramma after a year later, but for some reason, she wasn't able to say it. The words were stuck in her throat, unable to escape.

"And now, I'm finally meeting the famous Bai." The elderly woman joined.

"Yeah! You're all we've been hearing about for months!" Sokka said, annoyed.

"Sokka! Forgive me of my grandson. Oh! Where are my manners? I'm Kanna, but you can call me Gran-Gran." Kanna hummed.

Bai smiled softly at Gran-Gran. She didn't know her well, but she seemed like a very kind and wise woman- Bai could understand why Gramma missed her people so much.

"How are you feeling? Sokka and Katara told me what happened; you must be feeling so weak!" Ming worried.

You haven't changed a bit, Gramma. You're still just as caring as ever.

"Well, Katara gave me a stew to eat so I'm feeling a little better. But, my body still feels a little weak." Bai admitted.

"I'm sure it does. You're probably exhausted from your injuries and swimming in freezing water. Now, why don't you rest some. Your body needs it. Then, when you're feeling better, we'll catch up." Ming suggested.

Bai nodded her head in agreement. There was nothing more she wanted than a nice, long nap.

Ming, Kanna, Sokka, and Katara walked out of the small tent- allowing Bai to sleep off the excitement and adventure of the day. Once Katara noticed they were a good distance from the tent, she pulled her brother aside- needing to talk to him immediately.

"Katara, what are you doing?" Sokka asked.

"I need to talk to you about Bai." Katara admitted.

"Seriously? Can't this wait until later? Because there's some seal jerky that I've been dying to put in my mouth!"

"Sokka! Please?"

Sokka glared at his sister, not happy about the sudden conversation she's wanting to have. Sokka loved his meat, almost as much as he loved sarcasm. While waterbending made Katara who she was, meat and sarcasm made Sokka into he was. He's the meat and sarcasm guy!

But this was his sister. Nothing was more important than family.

Even though meat is so tasty, Sokka thought to himself.

"Fine! What is it?"

"What do you think about Bai?" Katara asked.

Sokka looked at his younger sister confused. Out of everything she could've talked about, this was the last thing Sokka thought she would want to discuss.

"Um, she's okay I guess? I don't really know her that well. Of course, I'm still a little weary about her being from the Fire Nation and all." Sokka mumbled.

"I am too." Katara admitted. "But, Gramma only told great stories about Bai. And from those stories, she sounds delightful."

"Yeah, but what if it's all a trick? She could be a spy!"

"She's not a spy, Sokka! She's just a normal teenage girl and we should welcome her."

"Katara, what are you talking about? And what did you really want to talk to me about?" Sokka asked. He could tell she wasn't being honest- dancing around what she really wanted to ask.

"Well, I guess I was just wondering, do you think she could be a waterbender? Like me?"

Sokka's facial expressions softened upon hearing Katara's confession. She's hoping Bai is a waterbender so she could teach her. Katara has asked Ming many times to teach her, but Ming refuses. She says it's caused too much pain in her life- only ended up hurting the people she loves most.

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