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"So, Bai, are you ready?" Yao questioned his little sweet.

The duo was currently standing in front of the palace. Today was officially Bai's first day "working" at the palace. She knows that Papa told her she would be the royal sibling's personal servant, but she's not sure how much work they'll give her- considering they're children. But that doesn't stop the bundles of nerves growing in her tummy.

"I guess." Bai answers.

Yao looked at his granddaughter with question. He thought she'd be kicking the doors down to see Azula. Well, actually- Zuko. He knows that Bai says she's excited to see Azula, but he knows the little liar better.

"Bai... what's wrong? You were so excited after the party yesterday? What's caused this change of heart?"

"Well," she started, looking everywhere but at him. "I'm kind of nervous. I know that some of the kids and even the Firelord seemed to like me at Azula's party, but... that was different. What if they just didn't want to cause a scene? What if they really don't like me?"

Yao felt a piece of his heart sink. It hurt him deeply knowing Bai was feeling so insecure. How could she not think she was amazing, he thought to himself.

"Bai. You are worrying for no reason. You are a wonderful, compassionate, beautiful, kind girl. People can't help but like you! And if this family can't see that then they should really do some soul searching." Yao answered proudly.

Bai thought her heart was about to burst with love. She felt tears of appreciation pool at her eyes, but she managed to keep them in control. She didn't want to let her papa see her cry because he would start crying. It's moments like these where she realizes how loved her grandparents made her feel. Gramma always kept encouraging and pushing her even if it seemed impossible. Papa always managed to calm her ever present nerves and diminish her insecurities. She's so undeserving of her grandparents, and she thanks spirits above that they were the ones to raise her.

"Thank you, Papa!" Bai croaked, hugging Yao tightly. "I needed to hear that."

"No problem my sweet." Yao said, engulfing the small child in a hug. "Let's do this, okay?"

Yao stood up and grabbed Bai's tiny hand. Bai wasn't sure how today would go, but she knows her papa had her back the entire time.

You'll be fine, Bai told herself. There's nothing wrong with me being here. It was Firelord Ozai's idea. Besides, I'll only be doing this until Gramma gets back. I can manage being here for a few days.

Bai's thoughts came to a halt when she realized she was back in the palace. She must've been so caught up in her thoughts that she didn't realize she was inside.

"Now, you have to go see Firelord Ozai first. He's going to go over the standards and expectations you must follow." Yao said.

"Me? You mean you're not coming with me?"

Yao started looking at everywhere but the small child. He said nothing but Bai understood that he was saying no.

"But papa! Why? What if I say something wrong?"

"Look, Bai... I'd love to be with you, and truthfully, I'd feel so much better if I was allowed to be back there. But I have my own duties I must attend to. Besides, Firelord Ozai didn't want to talk to me- he wanted to speak to you."

Bai's head lowered in defeat. She understood what her Papa meant, but that didn't mean she liked it any better.

"Well, he won't get ugly will he? Or hurt me, right?"

Yao stayed silent. He couldn't bring himself to answer Bai's question honestly. Firelord Ozai may have treated Yao's family with mercy over the years.

But no amount of mercy can change the monster he truly is.

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