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A/N: For the sake to keep things interesting, I will change the scene a bit from the original episode. This chapter is based off of the episode, The Storm, so it does change POV's a bit more than usual. However, I will keep things as clear as I can so it is not confusing.

I know things seem like a bit of a drag right now; however, I can assure you things are going to pick up very soon, and get way more interesting! (:


"Look at those clear skies, buddy! Should be some smooth flying." Aang cheered.

The four friends were still on their journey to the North Pole to find Aang a waterbending teacher. There had been some bumps on the road- Aang having to do crazy tasks for his friend, King Bumi; Katara being imprisoned with other Earth benders; fighting off pirates; seeing Avatar Roku; and having to guide two tribes through the great divide. Through it all, the four all get wiser and more confident in their parts to fight this war. And of course, they've ran into Zuko and his crew throughout all this. Bai has managed to keep her distance and composure. It's been very difficult, though. The trio can tell Bai acts weird and gets uncomfortable when they run into Zuko, but they've just assumed she's scared of the banished prince. And in a way, she is. She's beginning to think Zuko has forgotten about her. She knows she's not the Avatar, but she figured there would be more of a fight for her. Or maybe that's just what she wanted; she's not sure how to feel really. She can't just forget about him. She's just not wired that way. You only find a love like that once in your life, and she knows that. But maybe, if he's tried forgetting about it, she should too.

"Well, we better smoothly fly ourselves in a market, 'cause we're out of food." Katara replied.

"Guys wait. This was in my dream. We shouldn't go to the market." Sokka warned.

"What happened in your dream?" Katara asked.

"Food eats people!"

Katara shook her head while Bai slapped her forehead. Of course, Sokka would avoid going to a market just because of some silly dream.

"What?! It's true. Also, Momo could talk. You said some very unkind things." he glared.

As Sokka and Katara had a sibling spat over Sokka's dream, Bai scooched in besides Aang. She wanted to speak with him alone. She hasn't voiced this to anyone else, but she's been a bit worried about him lately.

"Oh! Hey, Bai! Did you want to take the reins?" Aang offered.

"Oh, no. It's okay, but thank you! I um- I just wanted to talk to you for a second. To see how you were doing?"

"Oh! Well, I'm great! Super even."

Bai could see right through the young Avatar's act. She knows something's been on his mind lately.

"Are you sure? Because I've noticed you've been having more and more nightmares lately."

"Oh..." Aang said, defeatedly- his head handing low. "You've noticed that, huh?"

"It's okay, Aang. I've been having nightmares too."

Aang perked up for a brief moment. He's sure that they're not having the same bad dream, but he feels peace knowing he can relate to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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