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"I present to you, Prince of the Fire Nation and heir to the throne, Prince Zuko!"

Everyone in the ballroom cheered and clapped when they saw Zuko step into the ballroom. Admirals, noblemen, war generals, and so many more! They were all here for one purpose and one purpose only- for Zuko. It was his 13th birthday which was a huge deal! Zuko was stepping into manhood, and he would finally be recognized as a man. He was no longer a child from this point.

And Bai couldn't be more happy for Zuko; she knows that he's awaited this day for a long time.

It was a big deal for Zuko to be seen as an adult. Although he doesn't always tell Bai, she knows it's important to Zuko. Because in his mind, he's a step closer to ruling the Fire Nation. And now, Zuko can finally become the responsible leader he was destined to be. Although it makes Bai feel selfish, she would often wonder to herself would she still be around when Zuko took place as Firelord? Or better yet, would he still want her around? Bai tries not to think of it too much because it usually makes her disappointed and worried, but she can't help it. She knows what he says now, but would Zuko still say the same thing when he's ruling an entire nation?

"Hello, my sweet."

Bai turned around quickly. She knew that voice from anywhere! And there was only one person who called her that.

"Papa!" Bai cheered. She engulfed him in a tight hug. Bai hadn't seen Yao recently since she's been so busy help set Zuko's party. So, to say she was excited to see him was an understatement.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! How are you doing?"

"Well, I'm doing a lot better seeing you here." Yao said, squeezing his granddaughter's hand.

Bai smiled at her papa. He's been through hell this year and she knows it's been a fight everyday for Yao. So, to see him here, acting like himself again, takes so much weight off her shoulders.

I guess spending time with Iroh is truly helping Papa out after all.

"So, you're having to work tonight?" Yao questioned.

"Of course, papa. You knew that."

"Well, I don't know." He started. "I figured your boyfriend would have a hard time staying away from you tonight."

"Papa!" Bai screamed.

Yao chuckled deeply. Even though Bai hates feeling embarrassed, she was happy she was able to see Yao so cheerful again.

"I'm just teasing, my sweet. But seriously- I've got my eye on you."

Before Bai could say anything, Yao ran away from his granddaughter. Bai shook her head while laughing softly. Of course papa would bring up Zuko and I, she thought to herself.

Suddenly, she felt a hand graze her shoulder. She excitedly turned around thinking it was Zuko, but she was disappointed when she saw it wasn't him. However, it was Iroh so Bai wasn't too disappointed.

"General Iroh!" Bai bowed.

"Hello, Bai." Iroh said, copying her movements. Usually, he would tell her to forget his title, but he didn't stop her this time. He would hate for her to get in trouble because of him.

"How are you enjoying yourself?" Bai questioned.

"Well, there's food and tea to last me a lifetime so I would say pretty good!"

Bai giggled upon hearing Iroh. She's found out that as long as there's food around, Iroh will always be a happy man.

"But I wanted to check on you. I know you've been so worried about this party... but it turned out great!"

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