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"Papa, I feel so pretty!" Bai cheered. Bai was wearing a traditional red and white kimono dress with red flats to match. Gramma even added a red flower head piece to match and give her already beautiful outfit some magic. Bai has never gotten so dolled up before and she feels like a true princess.

"Well, that's because you are pretty! You're pretty when you're all dressed up like this or when you're dressed in your training clothes. Never forget that Bai." Yao replied to his young sweet.

Bai looked at her Papa with pure happiness. She's very lucky to have him in her life and to have someone who cares for her so deeply. She might have not met her actual father, but she knows that her papa is a true father to her. She grabs his big, calloused hand and gives it an "I love you squeeze".

Yao takes the child's smaller, soft hand and copies her action.

Suddenly, they are both snapped out of the moment when they hear a voice.

"Yao! Welcome." A lady annouced, bowing at Yao.

Yao returns the gesture by bowing back at the servant.

"Thank you, Liang. It's always a pleasure to see you."

Liang looks down to Bai and gives her a big bright, beautiful smile.

"And who do we have here? Is this one of Princess Azula's friend?" Liang questioned.

Bai began to grow nervous and sweaty. It didn't hit her until this very moment what exactly she was getting herself into. But, she shook off her nerves. Firelord Ozai invited me, she thought to herself. It's okay for me to be here.

"I'm Bai. And I'm not Azula's friend. Oh, that sounded mean. I mean I'm not her friend yet, but that's only because I haven't met her yet! I'm hoping we'll be very good friends though." Bai answered, unsure of herself.

Well that didn't go as planned.

Liang smiled at the young girl before looking at the guard.

"She's a cutie."

"Well, I think so. But I'm known to be a little biased." Yao answered.

Liang gave a small giggle before moving out of the door way. Bai and Yao walked in together. All of Bai's nerves were replaced with excitement.

"Have fun you two!" Liang called. She began talking to more guests, and her voice became softer as Yao and Bai walked closer to the social room.

Bai couldn't believe her pretty blue eyes. The Palace is beautiful! When you first walked in, you could see the columns standing proud and strong, much like the Fire Nation. Banners with Fire Nation insignia hung high on every corner you passed. Combinations of red, black, and gold followed you whenever you went. It was a beautiful mixture that Bai couldn't get enough of. She's never really seen so much beauty in one room. She knows that the Fire Nation can do some... questionable things, based on the way Gramma speaks, but no one can deny the fact it's beautiful. You can feel the passion, energy, and life.

"We're almost to the ballroom, Bai. We just have to cut through this walkway outside and we'll be on our way partying." Yao said, snapping Bai out of her own thoughts.

Bai thought it couldn't get more beautiful until the duo stepped outside.

When Bai looked to her right, she was greeted with a beautiful outdoor scenery. It was nighttime
so Bai couldn't see the garden in it's daytime beauty, but it was just as beautiful at night; maybe even prettier. The fountain carried a beautiful, heavenly glow to it thanks to the moon. The moon even shared reflections with the pond, allowing the pond to glow brightly through the night, and if you were quiet enough, you could faintly hear the turtle ducks sing a song.

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