The Nerd vs. Romeo and Juliet

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Henry's POV

"Oh my gosh, are you ok, do I need to take you to I hospital or true loves kiss" I panicked.

I got up.

Well look who's awake I said.

Haha very funny, kisser boy she said.

Wait did she hear that?

I went to a nearby clinic and bought a First Aid Kit.

I rubbed some ointment on her forehead so that it won't swell.

I was so close to her face.

Her eyes were closed and she looks so beautiful right now.

"So can you tell me what happened" she asked.

"Your head hit that pole" I replied.

"Great in front of a cute boy" she muttered.

I smiled.

She looks and sounds familiar, like Charlotte, except she doesn't have that cute sound that Charlotte has when she's talking.

Charlotte has her braces clanging around.

"What's your name" I asked helping her to get up.

"I'm Ch- I mean umm, Riele... I'm Riele yeah" she said.

"I'm Henry, do you live around here" I asked.

"Umm, yeah I live around the corner, just wanted to have some food" she said.

"That's great, I know a really great restaurant downtown if you wanna go there" I said

"Sure I'd love that" she replied.

We walked down the street and reached the restaurant.

"It's takeaway only" she asked when she saw the poster.

"Yeah, it's a bummer" I replied.

We went in and I paid for her meal.

"I should be going, I'll see you later" I said.

"Sure I'll see you around, bye" she waved.

I turned back and walked to my house.

Wow, she might be cuter than Madisyn, Tiffany and Savannah combined.

Riele's POV

"Guess everyone treats us by our looks" I said.

"Even Henry".

"Girl don't ask as if you didn't help Aidan cause his dad was rich, or Seth because he had brown hair, OR RICHARD CAUSE HE WA-"

ITS OKAY I get it geez, Gildan I replied.

Just saying, we all do that sometimes don't worry she answered.

"Maybe, maybe not what I mean is Henry helped me as Charlotte so maybe he's different, right"? I asked

Just leave me outta this, I'm sure Reiya'll think of something she said.

You never help me, is it that hard to help a friend. Bye I said.

I think the Aidan thing is happening again.

I know I'm not a hoe or anything but he's kinda pretty?

I was this close to his face.

You would've liked him if it were you.

He's still cute but I don't know if I like him, do I?

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