The Nerd vs. The "Unproblematic Dare"

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Charlotte's POV

We were in our room when Mr. D'amelio announced on the speaker that we should come to the compound.

We all went and sat on some plastic chairs he set there.

"We're going to have some activities every night and today we're going to have some camp activities" he said.

"But we're not at camp, were in a luxurious hotel" said Tiffany.

Sadly, I have to admit that she's right.

But he didn't give a cucumber.

He put some wood on the floor and set fire on it.

The best part about this was that I sat beside Henry and not Madisyn and I can eat s'mores.

"These are really good" Henry said.

I nodded and laughed.

I haven't laughed like this with anyone.

He was eating it like how Patrick eats ice cream.

Madisyn screamed

"What happened" I asked.

Can't believe I did that.

"Nothing much, I thought I saw a cockroach flirting with the handsome lion" she replied

She mouthed loser.

I wasn't flirting at all, am I a silent flirter or something.

"Since you're not kids anymore you can finally play truth or dare the teacher" said.

"Henry we need to go" I said.

"Why, aren't you having fun" he asked

"I am but it's getting late we need to practice and don't you have to run laps at dawn" I replied.

"I do, let's go" he agreed.

"Charlotte, truth...or...dare" Madisyn said.

"We have to leave so you have to ask someone else" I replied.

"Who says I care, this is the last time freak" she responded.

I had no choice.

"Truth" I said.

"Do you know the girl that we were talking about, are you her" she asked.

That's not fair!!!

I looked at Henry who looked nervous to.

"No, I don't know her adlnd I'm not her" I replied.

"Then why did you look at Henry when I asked you" she said.

"You've already asked a question it's my turn" I said.

Thank God I'm smart enough to avoid that.

"Truth or dare" I asked.

"Dare... I'm not a party pooper" she replied, flipping her hair.

Everyone oooohed.

Some gasped.

"I dare you to wear a bikini and model for Tim" I said.

"Why not someone else like Jack or Henry" she insisted.

"Who's the party pooper now" I mocked.

There were ohhh's and ahh's everywhere.

"Fine, I'll do it" she said.

She sent to her room and and came back.

This time the boys were cheering.

Tim was so happy.

He mouthed, "Thanks so much".

"I've had enough, your nerdiness is contagious", she went near Henry and winked at him, then went to her room and changed.

"Now can we go" I asked.

" No, you have to stay for the entire night" the teacher said.

"Ugh, fine" I replied.

They asked and dared, some were mean and some were super funny.

And a little of them were just not appropriate.

It was Henry's turn.

"I dare you to let Anthony post an embarrassing pic of you from your gallery" he said.

That's just cruel.

She gave him her phone and he looked through her pics.

"Ohhh, I got it, I never knew your face could turn that way" he laughed.

"And, don't delete it, ever" Henry continued.

Molly was so sad.

She's some of those beautiful yet unproblematic girls.

She's calm, smart and kind too.

But tonight she was pretty angry.

What she did next will shock you.

"Truth or dare" she asked.

"Dare" he replied.

So am I the only girl to choose truth!!!!!?

"Okay, then, I dare you to kiss her" she said.

I could sense her finger pointing at me.


Charlotte's first kiss is finally here, she's pretty lucky to get Henry. Will he avoid the dare or will he kiss her.

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