The Nerd vs. The Alien

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Charlotte's POV

I don't know why I did that.

It just came out.

Cause I don't love him, do I?

I began to think about the Charlotte situation again.

So it's official I'll tell them.

Coach Myrtle barged into my room.

Oh no...

"Who are you" he asked.

"I can explain everything" I answered.

"You sound familiar" he replied.

Dang, I always forget to remove these braces.

"Please listen" I responded.

"Security, SECURITY" he shouted.

And ran to the door and locked it.

I've never panted so hard.

"Who are you, are you a criminal" he asked.

"No, I'm Charlotte" I sighed.

He looked at me.

"What kind of sick poser are you" he asked. "Surely you can lie, but at least you could've told me that you're Samantha since you're both black".

"Security is here, open the door Sir" they said.

"It's okay, you can leave" he said.

I heard them mutter something.

"I'm serious, please don't tell anyone" I said.

"Fine explain yourself" he said.

I explained everything to him. Even the fact that Henry knows too.

"You must be joking" he said.

"I'm serious, that's why I dress up like this". "Please please don't tell anyone" I replied.

"I'll try my best" he replied. "But you still have to be on the team".

"Yeah coach" I said.

"I really don't wanna tell everyone but, school is almost over and I want everyone to know" I said.

"But be careful, okay"? He warned.

I nodded.

He left the room.

Henry came in the room looking confused.

"What's going on" he asked.

I laughed.

I'll explain everything.

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"So he really knows" Henry asked.

"Yeah, it all kinda happened" I replied.

"Okay, well I guess that's it" he replied.

He took his towel and went to take a shower.

I hid myself until the blankets cause with was a cold day.

I could hear Madisyn and her servants arguing infront of my door.

_Fine, then I don't wanna be your friend" Savannah shouted.

The less the better, am I right?

Henry came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.

Savannah came inside the room and started to cry.

"Get out" I shouted.

"It's just that we've been friends for a long time" she started.

"I don't wanna hear your sob story, lalalalalalalalala" I shouted.

"And now that I said it's not good to hurt you she told me to leave her" she said crying her mascara off.

"Rie- Charlotte, please tell her that I'm gonna change" Henry replied.

Oof, I always forget to change.

She came to my bed and sat on it.

Ughhh, her fat butt is taking too much space.

"And now I'm lonely" she ended.

"Welcome to the lonely club Savannah, we've been waiting for you" I said

"Why do you sound different and look different" she asked.

Umm... I'm not a good lier.

Luckily Henry came to my rescue.

He came to her and held her hand to help her to get up.

"I think it's time for you to leave" he said.

"Sure" she sniffed.

She took out her phone and took some pictures of HIM!!!

No one can do that except me... I mean no one can do that except his mom.

"Phew, you better change now before anyone else comes" he warned.

"Sure you better change too" I muttered. "Or not".


We smiled at each other.

Savannah's POV

"He's soo dreamy" Madisyn said.

_Yeah I got some pics of him luckily he just came out of the shower" I replied.

"Oh my gosh, I never doubted you" Tiffany said awkwardly.

I gave my phone to Maddie.

Tiffany stretched her neck to look at it.

"No, he's mine" she shouted. "Don't look at it".

She looked at pics in awe.

"Ooo, I love this one" she replied.

"I know right, when I went there the nerd was under her blankets". "When I went to sit near her she looked... beautiful and sounded nice". "She had long curly hair". "She kinda seemed more beautiful than you" I said.

"More beautiful" Tiffany asked in shock.

"If I had to give anyone that compliment it would be, ummm, I remember her name, I met her in the streets Rie or something" Madisyn said.

"Exactly, That's what Henry called her" I replied.

"Ladies, Charlotte's an....alien" she said.

We gasped!!!

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