The Nerd vrs The Drive

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"What are you talking about" she asked.

'Don't pretend Madisyn, you were too much of a brat for your dad to handle". "So he made me become a teacher, I was her butler before btw". "And I had to pay for everything, I tried everything possible to make her smile" he said.

That's so sad, how could she act this way to him.

"You're LYING, you just hate me" she screamed.

"I've spent 9 years being your butler, then I decided to be a teacher to pay for your stuff, is that really hate MADISYN" he sasked.

Oooooo I love this one.

The bus was silent.

She sat on Henry.

"Can you get up" she asked.

"SHUT UP" she whined.

"Yeah, didn't think so" Mr. D'Amelio said.

The bus started moving.

"So how was the party" he asked.

'It was fun Jace and Riele  met this model dude that asked them to be on the cover of Vogue and we went into his li-"

I coughed.

Shut up I whispered.

She kept quiet.

"You got to be on the cover of VOGUE AND I DIDN'T" Madisyn screamed.

"Shut up Madisyn for Pete's sake stop screaming" Mr. D'Amelio said


She stared at him.

"And get off me, you're too fat' Jace complained.

Oh my gosh!

This is the happiest day of my life.

"Get that smirk off Nerdy" she said.

A\N: Sorry for the short chapter, just wanted to post it. A longer chapter with be coming very soon!

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